> I've been reading the discussion in "Final by default for classes and 
> methods" and although I don't have a strong position towards what the default 
> behaviour should be, I think a directive to change that behaviour should be 
> added as when nullability was introduced into Obj-C.
> In the current model of Swift, where methods and classes are not final we can 
> ease that by doing something like this:
> class MyClass {
>     func aMethod(arg: String) {
>     }
>     func anotherMethod(number: Int) {
>     }
> }

I talked about this possibility in the thread you mention, and there are imho 
several other issues that could be addressed in a similar way:
[swift-evolution] [Pitch] make @noescape the default
[swift-evolution] Make non-void functions @warn_unused_result by default

But there would be one big downside:
All this fruitless arguing about better defaults keeps amateurs like me busy — 
just imagine the havoc I'd cause in the complicated and important topics ;-)

Best regards,
swift-evolution mailing list

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