> On Dec 23, 2015, at 12:59 PM, Stephen Celis <stephen.ce...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 23, 2015, at 1:55 PM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> By "pay a price" you mean diminished performance, right? That would depend 
>>> on the ABI (which hasn't been discussed much yet, is there some preliminary 
>>> docs about it?).
>>> I don't think there is a price in performance to pay for sealed. You simply 
>>> call a static function in the library, and that static function does the 
>>> dynamic dispatch only if the library contains some overrides for that 
>>> function. If there's no override it's simply purely a static call.
>> No, I don’t mean performance.  I mean that the code is significantly less 
>> clear when final is not the default.  It isn’t clear at all whether the 
>> author intended to allow subclasses or not when the default allows 
>> inheritance.  The value in making this clear is significant, especially if 
>> you are a new developer walking into a large application.
> While I agree with you, the same argument can be made for modules where 
> `internal` code isn't marked `private`. Existing access control makes a case 
> for `sealed` being the default, though I think class subclassing happens less 
> frequently, and thus could be made `final` by default and utilize fix-its to 
> make marking things inheritable simple enough.

I see the analogy, but IMO the issues involved in access control vs inheritance 
are significantly different.  I agree with the default of internal for access 
control.  However, I don’t want to get this thread sidetracked on the reasons 
why it is different and why I agree with that default.


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