
This is a request for a copy constructor mechanism for structs in Swift.


Suppose you have a class stored inside a struct, like so:

class C {
        func copy() -> C { … }

struct S {
        var i: Int
        var c: C

and you create a couple of the structs, like so:

let c = C()
let foo = S(i: 1, c: c)
var bar = foo
bar.i = 2

Since the ‘bar’ variable was mutated, it now contains a copy of the original 
‘foo’ struct. However, both structs still carry the same pointer to ‘c'. There 
may be cases where you would want a copy of the struct to make a copy of any 
reference types stored within; however, that does not seem to be possible 

Proposed Solution:

Adding a copy constructor to S that would be called when a copy of the struct 
is about to be made. This constructor would simply create a new instance, 
initialize it, and return it. The copy constructor would look like this:

struct S {
        var i: Int
        var c: C

        copy {
                return S(i: self.i, c: self.c.copy())

Structs that do not implement the copy constructor would get the same behavior 
as they do currently.

Impact on Existing Code:

There should be no impact on existing code that does not implement the copy 


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