The current workaround is to add an overload that calls the "main" version:

> class Foo {
>       // version 1
>       func foo() {
>               print(5)
>       }
>       // version 2
>       func foo() {
>               foo(5)
>       }
>       func foo(value: Int) {
>               print(value)
>       }
> }

How would you say that your solution compares?


> Le 28 déc. 2015 à 11:11:57, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
> <> a écrit :
> I've had an idea floating around in my mind for a couple weeks now and would 
> like to find out what others think about it.
> The basic idea is really simple.  It introduces an `@option` parameter 
> attribute.  Parameters with this attribute would behave like parameters with 
> a default value at the call site, however they would not actually have a 
> default value.  Instead, the argument seen in the body would be an optional 
> of the type of the parameter value.
> func foo(@option value: Int) {
>       // value has type Int? in the body of the function
>       let valueToUse = value ?? 42
> }
> At first glance it probably seems like this is of no value.  Why not just 
> declare `value: Int? = nil`.  Obviously it must bring something to the table 
> to be worth considering.
> This idea first occurred to me while thinking about flexible memberwise 
> initialization.  One of the use cases I have had in mind while writing that 
> proposal is a theoretical Swift version of UIKit that exposes all of its 
> appearance properties as memberwise initialization parameters with defaults 
> rather than just initializing the members to a default value.  Obviously this 
> could lead to a very large stack frame that isn't really necessary.  Using 
> the `@option` approach we can avoid the unnecessarily large stack frame.
> Instead of always passing a value for every parameter the compiler would use 
> a single dynamic data structure containing the values of all `@option` 
> arguments provided at the call site.  The layout of the data structure would 
> be an implementation detail of the language and would be part of the ABI.  It 
> would contain a header of some kind indicating which parameters were actually 
> provided with arguments at the call site and any additional information 
> necessary to recover the value.  In the body of the function, references to 
> the parameter value would be replaced with a lookup into the data structure 
> which returned an optional value of the type of the parameter.
> Perhaps the most interesting thing about `@option` is that careful design of 
> the implementation might allow for `@option` parameters to be added or 
> removed from a function without breaking ABI compatibility:
> 1. When new parameters are added, existing callers will simply never provide 
> arguments and the implementation will see a nil optional value.  
> 2. When parameters are removed, existing clients will continue to provide 
> them and the data structure will still be populated with them.  The 
> implmentation will simply never look for the value.  The function will behave 
> as if the parameter was still specified in the signature and simply not used. 
>  The client would receive a compiler warning when compiling agains the newer 
> SDK but everything would continue to work without issue until they did so.
> If this is possible `@option` parameters would enable more robust evolution 
> for functions containing parameters that may be omitted or have default 
> values.
> Another benefit of `@option` is that it provides better encapsulation of 
> default values because they do not appear in function and method signatures.  
> My understanding of the planned mechanism for default arguments is that any 
> changes to default parameter values will not be visible to clients until they 
> recompile against the new version of the library.  If this is the case 
> `@option` would also provide additional control to library authors who may 
> wish to modify the default behavior of their implementation without breaking 
> ABI.
> Lastly, but potentially useful benefit of `@option` is that default argument 
> values do not allow a function to distinguish between the case when a caller 
> explicitly provides a value that happens to be the same as the default and 
> the case when no argument was provided.  `@option` provides this information 
> to the body of the function.
> Finally, an interesting observation: changing a parameter from having a 
> default value to `@option` or vice versa would break ABI but would be 
> source-compatible.
> I am very interested to hear whether others think this idea is worth pursuing 
> further or not.
> Matthew
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