>> I deny that, and even if it is true, there is a price to pay — and that is 
>> more than the lines of code that are required…
> Personally, I think it is a lot more readable to put members separate lines, 
> but if you don’t like doing that:
You are focusing on the least important thing here — I basically meant to say 
that the lower line count is no real benefit, but that there are advantages 
that aren't as easy to spot.

>>> 1. It interacts well with access control
>> Better than Kotlin? Please prove this.
> Please look at the examples I have in the Access Control section of the 
> proposal.  I spent some time reading the Kotlin docs and it isn’t clear to me 
> that Kotlin can do this.  But maybe it can.  I don’t know Kotlin well.  It 
> sounds like you do, so if it can, please show how this is done in Kotlin.
I actually don't know Kotlin that well — and that contributes to my evaluation 
of their solution: It is intuitive, and I did not have to read a huge article 
to understand it.
What I can see in your example is that the proposed syntax allows me to trigger 
compiler errors that will never happen with Kotlin (and errors that cannot 
happen are the ones I like the most).

>>> 2. Partial memberwise initialization is possible
>> The same with Kotlin — and imho at least as easy
> That isn’t clear from the Kotlin docs.  It may well be that they are just 
> missing examples.  Please post some samples showing how this is handled.
see below; of course, the sample won't use memberwise initialization, but 
archive the same in a (imho) better way

>>> 3. It allows memberwise initializers to accept non-memberwise parameters to 
>>> initialize private state
>> I think this can be achieved with less effort using function-like class 
>> declaration (afair Joe already gave an example)
> I don’t see either of the examples Joe posted doing this.  Here is an example 
> showing what I mean:
> struct S {
>     let s: String
>     private let i: Int
>     // user declares:
>     memberwise init(other: S, ...) {
>         i = other.i
>     }
>     // compiler synthesizes (suppressing memberwise initialization for 
> properties with lower visibility):
>     init(other: S, s: String) {
>         /* synthesized */ self.s = s
>         // body of the user's initializer remains
>         i = other.i
>     }
> }

Instead of several examples, I'll use just a single one to illustrate a bunch 
of points — and I'm leaving out comments on purpose, because I hope to see 
others participating with their interpretation:

public class Customer(title: String, private var birthday: NSDate?, public 
address: String = "n/a"): Person {

        protected let statusPoints = - birthday?.timeIntervalSinceNow() ?? 0.0

        let constantWithHardToExpressValue: Int

        lazy var age: Int = dateCalculationIsHard(birthday)

        init {
                constantWithHardToExpressValue = Int(statusPoints) + 1
                super.init(title: title)
        public init(titlePrefix: String, titleSuffixObject: Any) {
                init(title: titlePrefix + titleSuffixObject.description, 
birthday: NSDate())

So: Dear reader, please do my job and explain the "pseudo"-source above ;-) — 
or ask questions if you are just puzzled by it.

>>> 4. More than one memberwise initializer is possible
>> Kotlin has no need for memberwise initializers at all, and I see this as a 
>> big advantage
> Please explain how it is an advantage.  How does Kotlin handle a case where 
> you have some private state that needs to be initialized internally to 
> protect invariants, but also some members which users can initialize (such as 
> appearance attributes on a UI widget)?
For me, something that is not necessary is always an advantage — because you 
can simply remove it and have a result that is more elegant and compact.
Why would you want to add a feature that is not needed? It's just more work for 
those who actually build it, and it's more work for those who have to learn how 
to use it.

>>> 5. Memberwise initialization of properties with declaration modifiers, 
>>> behaviors / delegates is possible
>> https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/delegated-properties.html 
>> <https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/delegated-properties.html>
>> (afaik this is not only possible, it's handled by the current compiler for a 
>> long time)
> Yes, I know Kotlin has this feature.  It isn’t clear from the docs how 
> initialization of such properties is handled (for example an Observable 
> property).  Maybe you can provide some examples of how this works.
No, I can't (well, I accidentally did it partly...) — but I don't see why I 
should prove the features of a system that actually exists (and where everyone 
can easily check the behavior):
I think it's not that presumptuous to assume that the Kotlin-compiler has no 
flaws which are so fundamental.

>> Afaics there not much room left for the promised additional flexibility… and 
>> the problem with default values for constants just doesn't exist in Kotlin 
>> at all.
> This is currently a problem in Swift.  I am confident that it can be solved 
> one way or another.  I don’t think a solution should be tied to the “type 
> initializer parameter list” syntax.
As I said before:
There is no need to copy, but there is also no need to discard a working 
solution without further explanation.

> If you can clearly demonstrate how Kotlin is superior in a specific area I 
> will give that great consideration.  I want this proposal to be the best it 
> can be.  However, you’re going to need to do more than just link to the docs 
> which I have already looked at.
I see it from the other direction:
You have a "theory" (the proposal) and claim it is sound; Kotlin, on the other 
hand, is real working code!

> The good news is that as far as I can tell the things you like about what 
> Kotlin is doing are not mutually exclusive with this proposal at all.  Think 
> of it this way - this proposal provides a flexible and orthogonal foundation 
> for memberwise initialization.  If desired, a future enhancement could easily 
> be developed to provide additional syntactic sugar on top of it.  The example 
> Joe posted shows how that might work.  
> If this proposal is accepted and you want to pursue a proposal for that 
> additional layer of syntactic sugar to get closer to Kotlin syntax I 
> encourage you to do that.  The new syntax should be evaluated independently 
> as its own proposal.  I would be happy to help show how your desired syntax 
> could be transformed into existing syntax (including the memberwise 
> initialization syntax if this proposal is accepted).
I guess you really want to see your proposals accepted — and I understand that, 
as I'm quite sure that you put a huge amount of work into them.
But a "let's just take my solution and maybe integrate yours laterl"-attitude 
imho is not the right way:
If it is used to silence opposers without actually supporting them later, it is 
wily; and if it is a honest offer, we'll end up with a language that is extrem 
complicated because it tries to please everyone (and orthogonality would suffer 
as well).

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