> On Jan 3, 2016, at 8:52 PM, Drew Crawford via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I offer a +1, but I have two criticisms of the proposal.
> The first is that the example given in the proposal is stated a lot more 
> strongly than is true:
>> func compareTwo(first: Comparable, _ second: Comparable) -> Int {  // error!
>>   if first < second {
>>     return -1
>>   }
>>   //...
>> }
>> The code above yields an error, and rightfully so, because if the real types 
>> of first and second are not equal, they cannot actually be compared.
> It is true for Swift 2 code.  However, whether this is true forever is less 
> clear.  There is a thread here discussing "existential protocols", which 
> AFAIK would make this code listing into a non-error, and in that thread 
> Douglas Gregor said:
>> Do recall that I’m saying “not now” rather than “not ever” for this feature. 
>> I think it’s very, very cool, but it’s complicated and we need a while to 
>> understand its overall effects.

Existentials for protocols with Self and / or associated type requirements 
would require bindings for Self and / or the associated type(s).  At least when 
you use a member that contains Self and / or an associated type in its 
signature.  So the previous example will always fail to compile. 

> As long as the door is open to allowing the syntax, I think saying something 
> strong and normative about it in an official proposal would be a mistake.  
> The example is fine, but the comment should be that this "currently errors" 
> or "surprises new programmers" or something weaker than "it's obvious to all 
> of us this shouldn't work" because it's obvious to some people that it should 
> work after all.
> The second thing is that I think using the words "dynamically dispatched" or 
> "dynamically dispatched interfaces" in the body of the proposal is a mistake. 
>  It is not that interfaces "are" dynamically dispatched.  It is that they may 
> be, e.g. that the compiler may select a dynamic implementation (or it may be 
> able to find a static implementation), whereas for a protocol the compiler is 
> guaranteed to use a static implementation.  This is I think more consistent 
> with CL's position on static/dynamic in Swift 
> <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20151207/001948.html>
>  generally.  So I think we should find a turn of phrase like "behaves 
> dynamically" or "has dynamic dispatch semantics" rather than saying "it *is* 
> dynamically dispatched" as if we will force the optimizer to spit out a 
> vtable when it can find a static implementation.
> With those two details resolved I think it is a strong proposal, and very 
> much in line with the proposal we're reviewing about separating typealias vs 
> associatedtype, which strikes at a similar confusion where we're separating 
> two different concepts into their own keywords.
>> On Jan 3, 2016, at 7:44 PM, Austin Zheng via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> +1 to "opening" values of existential type, I remember trying (and failing) 
>> to do this when Swift 1 came out. Being able to capture the dynamic type of 
>> an object at runtime and do stuff with it would be incredible.
>> Austin
>> On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 4:19 PM, David Waite via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> This would be wonderful - is it something that could happen in the Swift 3 
>> timeframe? Is it something that myself or someone else could work on a 
>> formal proposal for?
>> -DW
>>> On Jan 3, 2016, at 4:17 PM, Douglas Gregor via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>> On Jan 3, 2016, at 6:48 AM, Антон Жилин via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>> Introduction of interfaces will clean up the current blend of static and 
>>>> dynamic protocols, and solve at least three popular issues.
>>>> Please see:
>>>> https://github.com/Anton3/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0000-introducing-interfaces.md
>>>> <https://github.com/Anton3/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0000-introducing-interfaces.md>
>>> I am *completely* against this proposal.
>>> Fundamentally, you're trying to address the limitation that protocols with 
>>> Self or associated type requirements can't be existential. But it's just a 
>>> limitation that isn't (conceptually) that hard to fix: the primary 
>>> operation you need to work with an existing of such a protocol is to "open" 
>>> a value of existential type, giving a name to the dynamic type it stores. 
>>> Let's invent one:
>>>   func eq(x: Equatable, y: Equatable) -> Bool {
>>>     // give the name T to the dynamic type stored in xT
>>>     let xT = open x as T
>>>     // is y also storing a T?
>>>     guard let yT = y as? T else { return false }
>>>     // check whether the Ts are equal
>>>     return xT == yT
>>>   }
>>> Ignore the syntax: semantically, we've gone from a "dynamic" existential 
>>> thing back to something more "static", just by giving a name to the type. 
>>> Swift generics aren't really even static in any sense: what the do is give 
>>> names to the types of values so one can establish relationships among 
>>> different values. "open..as" would do that for existentials. 
>>> Note that ether Swift compilers AST and SIL both have "open existential" 
>>> operations that do this internally. They have no spelling in Swift code, 
>>> but they are useful to describe operations on existentials. At present, 
>>> they cannot be formed when the existential involves a protocol with Self or 
>>> associated type requirements, but that's a limitation that isn't hard to 
>>> address. 
>>> As for your concerns about knowing when one can dynamically override and 
>>> when one cannot...  There are issues here that need to be addressed. They 
>>> aren't significant enough to warrant such a drastic change, and may not 
>>> even require language changes at all. 
>>>     - Doug
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