Hi, All: 
        trailing closure is good for most cases, but sometimes it is also make 
code unclear, for example: 
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.3, animations: { () -> Void in
    // animation code here
    }) { (Bool) -> Void in
        // completion code here

the label been removed and the code also not aligned well. 
I would like to write like this: 

    animations: { () -> Void in
        // animation code here
    completion: { Bool -> Void in
        // completion code here

It is possible, just every time you have to write it manually. It’s a little 
So I have a thought, since we already know this function is not well suit for 
closure, can we add a attribute to disable it, for example: 

extension UIView {

    public static func animateWithDuration(duration:NSTimeInterval, 
animations:()->Void, completion:()->Void) {
        // implementations ...

I also found another one have issue for this too. link: 
what do you think?

Best Regards

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