How did you come to that conclusion? In Swift 2.1 (I'm late to update), with 
optimizations on, this function:

> func test() -> Double {
>       return Double(arc4random())
> }

compiles to this IR:

> define hidden double @_TF4test4testFT_Sd() #0 {
> entry:
>  %0 = tail call i32 @arc4random()
>  %1 = uitofp i32 %0 to double
>  ret double %1
> }

which has no allocation at all.


> Le 28 mars 2016 à 07:05:48, Biala via swift-evolution 
> <> a écrit :
> After few days playing with the profiler I have noticed some shocking swift 
> behaviour.
> When casting basic types from one type to another, for example from Int to 
> Double swift is actually creating and then deallocating something :( That 
> leads to another performance problem - imagine many casts in loops. 
> As a type strict language swift is forcing one to cast Int to Double to when 
> you multiply double by Int variables for example but as the cast is so 
> expensive what should developers do to get better performance for some bit of 
> code. As a sound processing developer I see most of the real time sound 
> processing moved to C++ code, but I don,t see the reason for that as it is 
> most basic operations in loops. Swift needs to be faster to become serious 
> language ...
> After profiling here is what I see:
> 1. slow arrays - may be partly improved using UnsafeMuttablePointers
> 2. expensive cast - this is not possible to avoid at this point. I will 
> suggest making the language not so type strict when there is no need (like 
> adding int to double and so on)
> array[i] = value 
> Double(1)
> These problems come from hidden function calls so please avoid adding more of 
> them in future like the syntax Erica suggested for the if:
> if v in (0...127)
> I suppose that the range will be also created and then deallocated in 
> background.  
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