> On Apr 3, 2016, at 8:51 PM, David Waite via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Swift also has the benefit of built-in access to C/C++ and in some 
> environments Objective-C code and libraries. This means it does not have to 
> strive to either replace or to have universal coverage of features in these 
> languages. 
> For example, I cite pointers in Swift: while UnsafePointer exists, one would 
> be hard-pressed to choose to use it for code involving significant pointer 
> manipulation over the equivalent C code - the C code is much more terse, and 
> in the domain of unsafe pointer juggling the C that terseness actually can 
> make the code more understandable. We have the benefit of letting C be good 
> at what C was made for, and having that C code talk to Swift. The language 
> doesn't need “Pure Swift” in the way a cross-platform distribution language 
> like Java needs “Pure Java”.

Keep in mind that this is only (fully) true on Apple platforms; it’s my 
understanding that the open-source version of Swift does not include the 
Objective-C bridge, with its bridging headers and all that jazz. Therefore, 
interop with C code is probably limited to calling things from libraries.


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