> On Apr 4, 2016, at 4:48 PM, Drew Crawford via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Suppose *Apple* ships a framework that is only supported in iOS 9.3.  As a 
> direct consequence, the framework is only #available in iOS 9.3 or later.
> Suppose Jane links this framework into her iOS application.  The deployment 
> target for her application *can be any value*.  She sets the framework to be 
> weakly linked, and as long as the code that uses the Apple framework is 
> guarded by a 9.3 availability check, she can deploy back to 8.0, 7.0, etc.
> Suppose *I* ship a custom framework that I only want to bother supporting for 
> iOS 9.3 users.  I'm not testing on old OS, I don't have CI on old OS, and 
> quite frankly I have no idea if it works.  And I'm not in the habit of 
> shipping code that wasn't even tested on my machine.  As a direct 
> consequence, I set my framework deployment target to 9.3.
> Now Jane links this framework into her "deployment target 8.0" application.  
> She weakly links it and uses availability checks just like she did with the 
> Apple framework.  But this time the compiler says no:
> error: module file's minimum deployment target is ios9.3 v9.3
> Jane now has a set of bad choices:
> 1.  She can not use my framework at all
> 2.  She can drop support for <9.3 entirely from her application in order to 
> use my framework
> 3.  She can convince me to support iOS 8, when I don't want to invest in the 
> QA and test time.
> 4.  She can convince me to set my deployment target to 8, try to find all my 
> public APIs, sprinkle `@available(iOS 9.3, *)` everywhere and hope I didn't 
> miss any.  Spoiler alert: that's what I did all afternoon.
> This is too hard.  IMO Jane should be able to use my "9.3+" frameworks as 
> easily as she can use Apple's.
> IMO, when Jane imports a "DT 9.3" framework, into her "DT 8.0" application, 
> it should A) import successfully, B) link weakly, and C) have 
> `@availability(9.3, *)` overlayed on the interface.

I would not want this to be implicit behavior: it should be recorded in the 
source with, e.g.,

        @availability(iOS: 9.3) import YourCustomFramework

so that it is clear that the imported declarations are only available on iOS 
9.3 or newer.

        - Doug

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