Just a quick thought, but isn't this what NSArray is for?  If you know the type 
of a thing at runtime, it's probably best to use the part of the language that 
will help you most in that area: the Objective-C bridge.  

Doug is right that this is the shade of dependent types and would require a 
computation rule in the type system.  For example, what type does Array have 

// In some far-off module

func DefeatOptimizer() -> Bool { return false }

// Back home again

var ty = Any.Type
for i in (0..<INT_MAX) {
    if DefeatOptimizer() { return; }
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
      ty = Int.self
    if (i % 2 == 1)  {
      ty = String.self
var arr = Array<ty>()

To which you might say "clearly it's Array<ty> like you said!" but the type 
system still maintains a phase distinction between types and values so we'll 
have to compute it and that would be a little ridiculous, right?  If you wanted 
to clean this up, you might require something like the C++ constexpr 
restriction on the computation rule, but I can counter by recursing.  OK, so 
remove recursion.  What about a large stack of (potentially unoptimizable) 
branches?  Remove branching.  Now we're left with, well, your example and we're 
back to square one.

~Robert Widmann

2016/04/20 11:36、Joanna Carter via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> 

> Hi Doug
>> In programming-language circles, this feature is called “dependent types” 
>> (see, e.g., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_type), and it introduces 
>> significant complicates into a type system. For example, determining whether 
>> two types are equivalent becomes a run-time property rather than a 
>> compile-time property. I don’t know if Swift will end with a 
>> dependently-typed type system. To get there, we would need a number of very 
>> strongly-motivating use cases illustrating how common programming tasks can 
>> be improved with dependent types,  and we would need to solid plan for 
>> managing the complexity―both implementation complexity in the compiler’s 
>> type checker and also the language complexity seen by Swift user’s when they 
>> encounter this feature.
> I must admit to being ever so slightly confused about your connection with 
> "dependent types"; in all my years of programming, I have never come across 
> the context of the expression as found in the article cited. Anything that 
> needs algebraic formulae to explain is far too complicated for mere mortal 
> programmers and I am willing to state that I certainly didn't understand more 
> than a few words.
> All I am postulating is the ability to create instances of generic types, 
> bound to (a) parameter type(s) in the same manner as is currently possible 
> with non-generic types.
> To bring it down to basics, take the example of wanting to create an array of 
> a given type of objects:
>    let aType: Any.Type = Int.self
>    var arr = [aType]
> … creates an array of Any.type…
>    let aType: Any.Type = Int.self
>    var arr = [aType]()
> … results in an error "Invalid use of '()' to call a value of non-function 
> type '[Any.Type]'"
>    let aType: Any.Type = Int.self
>    var arr = Array<aType>() 
> … results in an error "'aType' is not a type"
> So, how are we meant to be able to create arrays, or any other generic type 
> that require to be bound to a type known only at runtime?
> In C#, We have the Type class, which contains useful properties like 
> isGenericType, isConstructedGenericType and methods like 
> GetGenericArguments() and, most important to this use case, 
> MakeGenericType(Type []).
> I would make a strong argument for completing Swift generics by including 
> such facilities in Any.Type, so that:
> 1. we do not have to use the somewhat cumbersome Mirror mechanism
> 2. we can do something useful with instances of Any.Type, which, at present, 
> does absolutely nothing.
> Adding similar functionality to C#'s Type class to Any.Type would break 
> absolutely zero code but would make life a whole load easier for those of us 
> who are power users of generics. Otherwise, FMPOV, Swift generics are but a 
> pale imitation of the concept and very much second class citizens in the 
> language.
> Joanna
> --
> Joanna Carter
> Carter Consulting
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