Oh, yeah, good point about "final".

Would there be a performance difference between "override var x: Int {return 
7}" and "override let x = 7"?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 23, 2016, at 16:06, Haravikk via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I don’t think using a let constant should prevent a further sub-class from 
> overriding again, that’s what the final keyword should be for.
> It would still need to be implemented like this behind the scenes though:
>     override var x:Int { return 7 }
> By the same token you could also allow var to implicitly create something 
> like the following:
>     private var _x = 7
>     override private(set) var x:Int {
>         get { return _x }
>         set { _x = newValue }
>     }
> I’m not sure what my preference is though; while being able to do overrides 
> with stored property-like syntax might be convenient and tidy in some cases, 
> it’s probably better to force developers to use explicitly computed 
> properties to be clear what’s really going on to make it actually work.
>> On 23 Apr 2016, at 20:30, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> I already see the problem here:
>> class A { var x: Int { return 42 } }
>> class B: A { override let x = 7 } // assume that will work
>> class C: B { override var x: Int { /* wait this wont work anymore */ } }
>> You won’t be able to override an immutable constant.
>> I don’t like such a change.
>> -- 
>> Adrian Zubarev
>> Sent with Airmail
>> Am 23. April 2016 bei 21:19:27, Roman Zhikharevich via swift-evolution 
>> (swift-evolution@swift.org) schrieb:
>>> I think, it could be a good idea to make computed properties overridable 
>>> with let constants.
>>> Something like this:
>>> class Parent {
>>>     var x: Int {
>>>         let x = 42
>>>         /*
>>>          * Compute x...
>>>          */
>>>         return x
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> class Child: Parent {
>>>     /*
>>>      * Sometimes you need to override computed properties with simple 
>>> constants.
>>>      * This is currently done like this.
>>>      */
>>>     //override var x: Int {return 7}
>>>     /*
>>>      * But this looks neater.
>>>      * Currently this gives "error: cannot override with a stored property 
>>> 'x'".
>>>      */
>>>     override let x = 7
>>> }
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