yes - that is a wonderful syntax addition in my opinion.

> On May 2, 2016, at 2:08 PM, Tod Cunningham via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> +1 on the shadow variable idea.  What an awesome idea.
> - Tod
> On 5/2/16, 4:41 PM, "Rod Brown" <> wrote:
>> Wow, I'm really sad I missed this while I was writing my last response!
>> I completely agree with this, and that is a much better solution than the 
>> ones previously suggested.
>> - Rod
>>> On 3 May 2016, at 6:16 AM, David Waite <> wrote:
>>> It is a bad idea to have the compiler change the interpretation of a type 
>>> without some hard and fast rules; the compiler’s interpretation of the 
>>> optionality of your code will result in your code being legal or not.
>>> In terms of solutions, I would prefer something similar to a guard 
>>> statement that, rather than exiting, shadows a constant or variable with a 
>>> non-optional equivalent type, e.g.
>>> shadow var today = today ?? NSDate()
>>> let timeInterval = today.timeIntervalSinceNow
>>> -DW
>>>> On May 2, 2016, at 1:27 PM, Tod Cunningham via swift-evolution 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> "I wonder if we’re pushing down the road of convenience at the expense of 
>>>> truth. The if/guard let syntax is clear that you’re getting a separate 
>>>> reference or copy, but what you’re suggesting is hiding the reality from 
>>>> the user for what I see as relatively little convenience."
>>>> It just might be me trying to avoid using !, and especially avoid implicit 
>>>> unwrapped options.  While there is nothing wrong with the following code 
>>>> it makes me very uncomfortable from a defensive programming point of view:
>>>>      today = today ?? NSDate()
>>>>      let timeInterval = today!.timeIntervalSinceNow
>>>> Some developer coming along and changing the code could easily introduce a 
>>>> crash, such as by removing the default value.  In the above example, such 
>>>> a change wouldn’t introduce a compiler warning/error and the bug might not 
>>>> reveal itself until a much later.
>>>> Also using if-let or guard also doesn’t seem right, in this case, as it 
>>>> should never fail:
>>>> today = today ?? NSDate()   // changed!
>>>> if let today = today {
>>>>    let timeInterval: NSTimeInterval = today!.timeIntervalSinceNow
>>>> } else {
>>>>    assertFailure()
>>>> }
>>>> Same issue with guard:
>>>> today = today ?? NSDate()   // changed!
>>>> guard let today = today else {
>>>>    assertFailure()
>>>>    return //  that should never happen
>>>> }
>>>> let timeInterval: NSTimeInterval = today!.timeIntervalSinceNow
>>>> This introduces code that just gets in the way of the code’s meaning for 
>>>> cases that should never happen.  Yuck, there has to be a better way!
>>>> - Tod
>>>> From: 
>>>> <<>>
>>>>  on behalf of Rod Brown via swift-evolution 
>>>> <<>>
>>>> Reply-To: Rod Brown 
>>>> <<>>
>>>> Date: Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 1:25 AM
>>>> To: David Sweeris <<>>
>>>> Cc: Erica Sadun via swift-evolution 
>>>> <<>>
>>>> Subject: Re: [swift-evolution] Auto Unwrapping Of Optionals
>>>> On 1 May 2016, at 3:00 PM, David Sweeris 
>>>> <<>> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 30, 2016, at 5:42 PM, Rod Brown 
>>>> <<>> wrote:
>>>> Re-sent for Swift Evolution. Response at end.
>>>> On 1 May 2016, at 6:31 AM, David Sweeris 
>>>> <<>> wrote:
>>>> I think your idea makes a lot more sense in respect to ensuring we don't 
>>>> have as much magic.
>>>> That said, I still wonder about the implications for thread safety etc. 
>>>> While it isn't a focus of Swift 3, it's something to think about whether 
>>>> this promotes a paradigm that cannot be supported in a threaded 
>>>> environment, specifically accessing properties.
>>>> The if-let paradigm is a lot stronger for this set of actions. It gains a 
>>>> separate reference or copy to the internal value, and allows you to action 
>>>> it safely. Should the property change in the meantime, it isn't relevant, 
>>>> because you have you own reference/copy, and then you have the right to 
>>>> re-set the property as required.
>>>> This, however, would theoretically add in an invisible ! for you. This 
>>>> leaves you unable to handle the situation should the variable have been 
>>>> changed by another thread between your check and your subsequent action.
>>>> Unless I'm missing something, I worry about the behaviour of such a 
>>>> "feature" in a multithreaded environment. I think the previous "inout" 
>>>> idea actually held a lot more weight in this regard - at least then you 
>>>> can act on the copy, and have the change propagate to the main 
>>>> declaration, and overwrite any changes made on another thread.
>>>> I think it would have the same resiliency as if-let, since I was 
>>>> envisioning this to just be syntactic sugar for a switch statement. That 
>>>> is, this:
>>>> if foo is .Result { //`foo` refers to foo's associated or raw value within 
>>>> the following code block
>>>>  //code block
>>>> }
>>>> would get rewritten to this, for enums with associated values:
>>>> switchfoo {
>>>> case .Result(let foo): //we get a local copy of `foo` (the associated 
>>>> value) for the following code block
>>>>  //code block
>>>> default: break
>>>> }
>>>> or this, for enums with raw values:
>>>> switchfoo {
>>>> case .Result:
>>>>  let _foo = foo.rawValue //the compiler substitutes `_foo` for `foo`
>>>>  //code block
>>>> default: break
>>>> }
>>>> There’d have to be some more auto-generated code to copy assigned values 
>>>> back into the original `foo`, but I don’t think it’d be hard to do.
>>>> - Dave Sweeris
>>>> Ah yes, that makes sense. So how do you see the compiler dealing with the 
>>>> assignment/access problem on structs? If you assign to foo, the compiler 
>>>> assigns to both “_foo” and “foo”?
>>>> I wonder if we’re pushing down the road of convenience at the expense of 
>>>> truth. The if/guard let syntax is clear that you’re getting a separate 
>>>> reference or copy, but what you’re suggesting is hiding the reality from 
>>>> the user for what I see as relatively little convenience.
>>>> This is not to say I don’t see the problem, or the convenience… I just 
>>>> wonder if this might be going a little too far.
>>>> - Rod
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