On the downside: This is absolutely true. All of those conversions would be the 
first up against the well when the revolution comes.

On the upside: I imagine a compiler warning could be pretty reasonably whipped 
up to detect these, and after the dust cleared, we’d be able to just try 
Int32(foo) and either the initializer would exist, or it wouldn’t, and it 
wouldn’t be necessary to bust out a playground and test to see if it’ll 
actually work every time you want to cast something to a number type that’s not 
your basic Int or Float.


> On May 6, 2016, at 11:01 PM, Jacob Bandes-Storch <jtban...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Agreed, but I'm sure lots of user code depends on it (e.g. when extracting 
> numeric values from property lists). If it stopped working, wouldn't these 
> "as?" casts silently start returning nil where they didn't before?

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