> On 16 May 2016, Thorsten Seitz wrote:
> Funny, for me reading a function is quite the other way around:
> I prefer to first look at the function name and parameter list to give me an 
> idea of what the function will do (the parameter names help a lot).
> Having instead first to memorize a list of types with all their constraints 
> just builds up the cognitive load without helping much, because their usage 
> is yet unknown.

This is also my biggest motivation for the proposal: keeping the function name 
and arguments close to each other.

> So, for me reading the signature would look like (with the proposal in place):
>>> internal func _arrayOutOfPlaceReplace<B,C>(_ source: inout B, _ bounds: 
>>> Range<Int>, _ newValues: C, _ insertCount: Int)

^ Agreed! That's essentially what I'm trying to find too when skimming through 

An alternative approach with the same desired outcome would be moving the 
parameter list before the function name, either `func<...> someFunction(...)`, 
or even before the `func` keyword. But since we already use `where`, it seems 
more natural to me for Swift to place the constraints list to the end.

— Pyry

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