
I'm curious, has the Swift team considered not having a public stable ABI for Swift at all, and instead only define some kind of versioned low-level bitcode for packaging purposes which then would be compiled and linked by a system/package repository/App Store service?

This would allow the ABI to evolve with the compiler and would provide more flexibility for e.g. the compilation of generic code and the implementation of shared libraries.

- Stephan

On 2016-05-16, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution wrote:
That said, it is also clear at this point that some of the loftier goals that 
we started out with aren’t going to fit into the release - including some of 
the most important generics features needed in order to lock down the ABI of 
the standard library. As such, the generics and ABI stability goals will roll 
into a future release of Swift, where I expect them to be the *highest* 
priority features to get done.
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