I like the design strategy, but I’m having a hard time seeing the value of 
`ValuePreservingStringConvertible`; it’d be easier to evaluate the need for it 
with some concrete examples of types with `description` implementations that:

- aren’t value-preserving
- would cause problems if mistakenly-classified as value-preserving

Relatedly, here are some concrete `description`/`debugDescription` pairs; would 
these `description`s be value-preserving or not?

- a `Wavelength` type
 - description: “650.0 nm”
 - debugDescription: “Wavelength(nanometers: 650.0)”

- an `Angle` type:
  - description: “90.0°”
  - debugDescription: “Angle(πUnits: 0.5)”

…(note that neither type has a corresponding `init?(_ string: String)` 
implementation, and I don’t plan to add one either).

I’m just having trouble coming up with realistic non-value-preserving 
descriptions that’d be *problematic* (as opposed to just, say, unhelpful).

> On May 26, 2016, at 12:08 AM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Proposal Link: 
> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0089-rename-string-reflection-init.md
> The review of "SE-0089: Renaming String.init<T>(_: T)" ran from May 17…23, 
> 2016. The proposal has been *returned for revision* and another round of 
> discussion - the core team would love to see the revised proposal make it 
> into Swift 3.
> The community and core team both want to remove this “footgun” from the 
> standard library, where someone could write "String(x)” with the intention of 
> getting a value-preserving conversion to String, but may instead get a 
> potentially lossy and potentially expensive reflection-based conversion to a 
> String.  After extensive discussion, the core team recommends that the 
> community consider a somewhat more elaborate design:
> - Rename the existing reflection-based "String.init<T>(_: T)” initializer to 
> "String.init<T>(describing: T)” as recommend by the community.  This 
> initializer would rarely be invoked in user code directly.
> - Introduce a new protocol (for sake of discussion, call it 
> “ValuePreservingStringConvertible") that refines CustomStringConvertible but 
> that adds no new requirements.  Conformance to this protocol indicates that 
> the “description” requirement produces a value-preserving representation in 
> String form.
> - Introduce a new unlabeled initializer on String: "init<T: 
> ValuePreservingStringConvertible>(_ v: T) { return v.description }".  This 
> permits the “String(x)” syntax to be used on all values of types that can be 
> converted to string in a value-preserving way.
> - Audit important standard library types (e.g. the integer and floating point 
> types), and make them explicitly conform to ValuePreservingStringConvertible 
> with an explicitly implemented “description” property.
> - As a performance optimization, change the implementation of the string 
> literal interpolation syntax to prefer the unlabeled initializer when 
> interpolating a type that is ValuePreservingStringConvertible or that has 
> otherwise has an unlabeled String initializer, but use the 
> "String.init<T>(describing: T)” initializer if not.
> The expected advantages of this design are:
> - Swift encourages the T(x) syntax for value preserving conversions, and this 
> design ensures that String(x) continues to work for the value preserving 
> cases.
> - This ensures that the String(x) syntax does not accidentally fall off a 
> performance cliff by using the extremely-dynamic reflection mechanism 
> unintentionally.
> - The preferred “I don’t care how you do it, just convert this value to a 
> string somehow” syntax remains string interpolation syntax.  This syntax is 
> efficient in the cases where the String(x) syntax is allowed, but fully 
> general to the other cases where custom convert-to-string code has not been 
> provided.
> Some remaining open questions:
> - Exactly what types should conform to ValuePreservingStringConvertible.  It 
> seems clear that integer, floating point types, and Character can and should 
> conform.  What other types should?
> - Do we need the ValuePreservingStringConvertible at all, or is the existing 
> CustomStringConvertible enough?  We already have a few protocols for handling 
> string convertibility, it would be great to avoid adding another one.
> Thank you to Austin Zheng for driving this proposal forward!
> -Chris Lattner
> Review Manager
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