> On May 27, 2016, at 6:19 PM, Matthew Johnson <matt...@anandabits.com> wrote:
>>> Also, can someone refer me to an example of this statement: "This proposal 
>>> resolves this problem by retaining commas as separators within clauses (as 
>>> used elsewhere in Swift) and introducing semicolons to separate distinct 
>>> kinds of clauses (which aligns with the rest of the Swift language)”
>> guard let x = opt1, y = opt2, z = opt3; booleanAssertion else { }
>>> I rarely see any semicolons after the removal of C loops. So if someone 
>>> could put me to where this is used elsewhere in Swift, please do!
>> Using semicolons brings conditions in-line with how semicolons are used as 
>> separators elsewhere in the Swift grammar.
> Not really.  We can use a newline instead of the semicolon elsewhere.

Outside of braces? Think of the guard/if/while creating a new miniscope that 
has no braces, and whose value assignments escape to the surrounding scope. I 
defer to Chris for better technical answers.

-- E

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