> On Jun 2, 2016, at 6:08 PM, John McCall via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> The official way to build a literal of a specific type is to write the 
> literal in an explicitly-typed context, like so:
>     let x: UInt16 = 7
> or
>     let x = 7 as UInt16
> Nonetheless, programmers often try the following:
>     UInt16(7)
> Unfortunately, this does not attempt to construct the value using the 
> appropriate literal protocol; it instead performs overload resolution using 
> the standard rules, i.e. considering only single-argument unlabelled 
> initializers of a type which conforms to IntegerLiteralConvertible.  Often 
> this leads to static ambiguities or, worse, causes the literal to be built 
> using a default type (such as Int); this may have semantically very different 
> results which are only caught at runtime.
> In my opinion, using this initializer-call syntax to build an 
> explicitly-typed literal is an obvious and natural choice with several 
> advantages over the "as" syntax.  However, even if you disagree, it's clear 
> that programmers are going to continue to independently try to use it, so 
> it's really unfortunate for it to be subtly wrong.
> Therefore, I propose that we adopt the following typing rule:
>   Given a function call expression of the form A(B) (that is, an expr-call 
> with a single, unlabelled argument) where B is an expr-literal or 
> expr-collection, if A has type T.Type for some type T and there is a declared 
> conformance of T to an appropriate literal protocol for B, then the 
> expression is always resolves as a literal construction of type T (as if the 
> expression were written "B as A") rather than as a general initializer call.

Looking transversally at all literal protocols as this proposes to operates 
reminds me that the knowledge that a protocol has the right semantic is based 
on a convention, rather than on conformance. Would it be conceibable to look 
into something like the following, that all others would specialize.

protocol LiteralConvertible {}

This might offer a stronger identification than the name. It might also be 
interesting to define an associated type, but that would exclude 

Note: as compiler expert, I would appreciate your thinking on the notion of 
formally expressing what might otherwise be a known strong semantic 
relationship. Is there any incentive to pursue, known disavantages, ...

> Formally, this would be a special form of the argument conversion constraint, 
> since the type of the expression A may not be immediately known.
> Note that, as specified, it is possible to suppress this typing rule by 
> wrapping the literal in parentheses.  This might seem distasteful; it would 
> be easy enough to allow the form of B to include extra parentheses.  It's 
> potentially useful to have a way to suppress this rule and get a normal 
> construction, but there are several other ways of getting that effect, such 
> as explicitly typing the literal argument (e.g. writing "A(Int(B))").
> A conditional conformance counts as a declared conformance even if the 
> generic arguments are known to not satisfy the conditional conformance.  This 
> permits the applicability of the rule to be decided without having to first 
> decide the type arguments, which greatly simplifies the type-checking problem 
> (and may be necessary for soundness; I didn't explore this in depth, but it 
> certainly feels like a very nasty sort of dependence).  We could potentially 
> weaken this for cases where A is a direct type reference with bound 
> parameters, e.g. Foo<Int>([]) or the same with a typealias, but I think 
> there's some benefit from having a simpler specification, both for the 
> implementation and for the explicability of the model.
> John.
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