Isn’t Swift too young to have any sort of established dialect? Removing 
everything takes away from an organic process of discovering what the dialect 
will be. Instead we are shoehorning a dialect in the early stages of swift when 
a lot hasn’t even been established yet.

Maybe the mistake is trying to fit all these breaking changes into Swift 3. I 
think it is just too much for such a young language that is still trying to 
find itself.


> On Jun 10, 2016, at 2:41 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 1:14 PM, Ryan Lovelett < 
> <>> wrote:
> @Xiaodi Wu a couple of times you've said things were "explicit" this or that.
> > * Swift is explicitly a C-family language. In most or all other C-family 
> > languages, for loop statements allow specification of conditions for 
> > exiting the loop but not for filtering. Therefore, Swift's use of `where` 
> > is unprecedented and needs to be learned anew by every user of Swift.
> > That is worrying if true, because it suggests that it's enabling 'dialects' 
> > of Swift, an explicit anti-goal of the language
> Though I've never read either of these before as being goals (or for that 
> matter anti-goals). Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places though. Can you 
> please share these with me?
> These have been gleaned from pronouncements from the core team here on this 
> list. Unfortunately, it's not easy to search the archives. I'll give one 
> example, but I've seen similar ideas repeated a few times. Obviously, they 
> take place in the context of discussions about other features that are not 
> exactly the same as this, so one can wonder how much they apply here. If they 
> were exactly parallel situations, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
> Chris Lattner's response to a proposal to adopt some Python-like syntax that 
> you can use if you like, but don't have to if you don't (Dec. 6, 2015):
> We're not interested in fragmenting Swift into related-but-different dialects.
> -Chris
> In trying to track that information down I read over 
> <> trying to find if I could glean any information 
> about some guiding principles. When I stumbled upon this and wondered if 
> anyone else would find it illuminating.
> From the "Features" section:
> > Fast and concise iteration over a range or collection
> Does this proposal enhance that feature? Does this proposal weaken that 
> feature?
> I've thought about that for a little bit and I'm pretty sure that removing 
> `where` from for in certainly does not enhance that feature from my 
> perspective.
> No, but I don't think it harms fast and concise iteration; hence, I argue 
> that `where` is redundant.
> If I understand everything this all started because `if` can no longer have 
> `where`.  Following that and basing it completely on the example in this 
> proposal ( 
> <>
> <>)
>  it seems to me that the behavior of the `where` clause of the `while` was 
> analogous to the now removed `if` behavior.
> Therefore, if we are going to remove something lets remove the `where` clause 
> from `while`.
> My understanding is that removal from `while` is also part of SE-0099 and 
> already approved.
> As is already correctly pointed out in the "confusion of use" section the 
> outlier behavior was `for in`. We deprecated the `if` behavior because of 
> [fill in the blank], forgive me I never read the arguments, if `while` works 
> the same way why does it not logically follow that its `where` clause also be 
> deprecated.
> With that as far as I'm concerned this proposal is just requesting the 
> retirement of the `where` clause on the wrong loop structure. Of course more 
> examples could change my mind.
> I'll endeavor to change your mind :) FWIW, I'd be satisfied with reforming 
> instead of removing `where` if doing so can clarify its meaning. 
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