> DispatchQueue.async(execute:) and DispatchQueue.sync(execute:)
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> The lack of verb in the base name bothers me. The API Design Guidelines say 
> “methods with side-effects should read as imperative verb phrases”. You could 
> argue that the argument label “execute” serves as the verb. However, .async 
> and .sync are most commonly used with trailing closures where the argument 
> label is not present.
> This issue was brought up during the review, but I did not see it being 
> addressed. Why not name the methods something like .executeAsync(_:) and 
> .executeSync(_:)?

That feels a little redundant to me. It's worth remembering that the API 
Guidelines are a means of creating clear APIs, not an end in themselves. It's 
okay to deviate a little if you get a better result.

However, I could see us borrowing (and slightly modifying) terminology from 
Core Data:

        queue.perform { … }
        queue.performAndWait { … }

Compared to the status quo, this is clearer, a better fit for the guidelines, 
and better at penalizing the disfavored API.

> DispatchQueue.after(when:execute:)
> ----------------------------------
> This one simply doesn’t read grammatically. For example, `queue.after(when: 
> .now) { … }` becomes “queue, after when now …”. Since dispatch_after is 
> semantically just an extended version of dispatch_async (I think), we can 
> name this .executeAsync(after:_:).

Yeah, I gave a talk about the renaming on Saturday and somebody noted that 
`when` reads poorly here. Fortunately, `queue.perform(after: .now() + 0.5)` 
reads pretty well too. :^)

Brent Royal-Gordon

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