An argument could be made that the '\' character is used to escape and when you 
are doing string interpolation/printing you are clearly doing an operation more 
similar to bash's use of '$' to extract the value of a variable than escaping.

The need to logically separate escaping from parameter value extraction/string 
interpolation is IMHO grounds for this change alone.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 21 Jun 2016, at 23:35, Haravikk via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
>>> On 21 Jun 2016, at 22:49, Gwynne Raskind via swift-evolution 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> On Jun 21, 2016, at 15:48, Jonathan Cotton via swift-evolution 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> I'd support $() as is in use by other languages, including Kotlin, as 
>>> mentioned it seems less disruptive and more inline with the tokenised 
>>> parameters that are already supported in closures.
>>>> On 21 Jun 2016, at 21:43, Kenny Wyland via swift-evolution 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm new to the list and I just searched through the archives as best I 
>>>> could to see if someone else had already brought this up, but I didn't 
>>>> find anything. Forgive me if this horse has been beaten.
>>>> I find that typing \(var) is very disruptive to my typing flow. The more I 
>>>> code in Swift, the more I like it, but every time I'm coding and then have 
>>>> to hiccup while typing \ then ( causes me to be annoyed. I know, it's 
>>>> minor, but it isn't a key combination that flows quickly.
>>>> I would much rather have $() or perhaps ${} (like Groovy lang) or perhaps 
>>>> @() to go along with other uses of @ throughout the language. 
>>>> A shifted key, like $ or @, followed by another shifted key like (, allows 
>>>> for a much faster flow and they are much closer to the home keys than \ 
>>>> which is nearly as far from home keys as possible (and awkward). 
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>> Kenny Wyland
>> I have to disagree - The \ syntax is consistent with other string escape 
>> sequences (\n etc.) and reads naturally to me in that regard. Additionally, 
>> the \ is very visually distinctive in a string, much moreso than the 
>> "traditional" $ variable marker. Almost every language I’ve seen using $ for 
>> interpolation in strings is doing so because it also uses it as a variable 
>> prefix in non-string contexts. To top it off, using $ instead would, for me, 
>> just add yet another language for which I have to remember "does the $ go 
>> inside or outside the name delimiter braces/brackets/whatever?", "is it 
>> parenthesis, braces, brackets, or some other delimiter for variable names?", 
>> "what kind of expressions can I use in this context?", "can I use 
>> interpolation without any delimiters for simple cases?", etc. See also PHP, 
>> Perl, ten flavors of shell scripts, JavaScript, JSP/ASP, XPath, and so 
>> forth. The \() syntax is unique to Swift and therefore very easy to remember.
> I agree with this; Swift’s only other dollar sign use is for closure 
> shorthand variables, which is technically a non-string context but I assume 
> you mean on *all* variables. Anyway, I think \() is actually a good way to do 
> this, as it’s unambiguous, and not something you’re likely to type by 
> mistake, since you don’t need to escape the brackets for any other purpose. 
> The way I think of it is as an escape from the string, which is IMO more 
> logical than a variable inside a string which dollar notation brings to mind 
> (for me at least).
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