Prefacing the below with a “I am well-aware this proposal likely won’t make it 
into Swift 3”:

A feature like this would be nice to use, but before I could get behind any 
proposal along these lines it I’d want to see it include an explicit strategy 
for disambiguation.

EG: in your example, your generic subscript uses `self[key]`, and presumably 
expects that to use the “original” subscript…and not the generic subscript 
being defined.

I think that’s reasonable in that specific case, but it doesn’t seem 
unreasonable to anticipate this proposal introducing ambiguities that would 
need explicit disambiguation…and for which explicit type annotation may not 
always be adequate to resolve (I could be wrong here, though). 

This would need addressing (either showing they won’t be an issue, or providing 
a reliable disambiguation mechanism).

Relatedly, in-re: “rethrows”: if the syntax supported it, this kind of thing 
would be another way of tackling the "JSON problem":

  subscript<T>(key: Key, transform: (Value) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
    guard let value = self[key] else { throw JSON.MissingKey(…) }
    return try transform(value)

…so that e.g. you can write typical parsing-code as

  let asUserID = UserID.init(untrustedString:) // <- assume this is a "throwing 
  let sender = try json[“sender”,asUserID] 
  let recipient = try json[“recipient”,asUserID]

…(modulo any syntax errors, etc.), which would benefit from a `rethrows` 

That’s my 2c; thankfully (IMHO) there’s clearly a lot of time for this proposal 
to simmer.

> On Jun 20, 2016, at 1:10 PM, Robert Widmann via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> Good morning all.  Attached is the proposal Harlan Haskins and I will be 
> submitting shortly about adding generic and `throw`ing subscript declarations 
> to the language.  
> Cheers,
> ~Robert Widmann
> Generic and Throwing Subscripts
> Proposal: SE-NNNN 
> <>
> Author(s): Harlan Haskins <> and Robert 
> Widmann <>
> Status: Awaiting review 
> <>
> Review manager: TBD
> Introduction
> Currently, subscripts cannot be declared [re]throws and cannot declare new 
> generic parameters.
> There isn't a clear reason why they aren't as capable as full-fledged 
> functions, so we propose
> adding generic constraints and throwing semantics to subscripts.
> Motivation
> On the throwing side, currently there are two ways to express a failing 
> subscript:
> Return an Optional, failing with nil.
> Call fatalError(_:) on failure.
> Both of these throw out useful information about the cause of the underlying 
> error that using Swift's error handling mechanism can otherwise provide.
> As for generics, to take an example, it has become a common pattern among 
> JSON decoding DSL libraries to express a throwing generic extension on 
> Dictionary like so
> extension Dictionary {
>     public func parse<T>(key: Key) throws -> T {
>         guard let value = self[key] else {
>             throw JSONError.MissingKey("\(key)")
>         }
>         guard let ofType = value as? T else {
>             throw JSONError.InvalidKey(key: "\(key)", expectedType: T.self, 
> foundType: value.dynamicType)
>         }
>         return ofType
>     }
> }
> public enum JSONError: ErrorType, CustomStringConvertible {
>     case InvalidKey(key: String, expectedType: Any.Type, foundType: Any.Type)
>     case MissingKey(String)
>     public var description: String {
>         switch self {
>         case .InvalidKey(let key, let expected, let found):
>             return "Invalid key \"\(key)\". Expected value of type 
> \"\(expected)\", found \"\(found)\"."
>         case .MissingKey(let key):
>             return "Key \(key) not found."
>         }
>     }
> }
> Given this, one can decode JSON with the full support of native type 
> inference and exception handling. But when working with the DSL, one would 
> expect to be able to express this as a subscript on Dictionary, allowing the 
> following:
> //...
> extension Dictionary {
>     public subscript<T>(key: Key) throws -> T {
>         guard let value = self[key] else {
>             throw JSONError.MissingKey("\(key)")
>         }
>         guard let ofType = value as? T else {
>             throw JSONError.InvalidKey(key: "\(key)", expectedType: T.self, 
> foundType: value.dynamicType)
>         }
>         return ofType
>     }
> }
> We believe this is an even more natural way to write these kinds of libraries 
> in Swift and that bringing subscript member declarations up to par with 
> functions is a useful addition to the language as a whole.
> Proposed solution
> Add the ability to introduce new generic parameters and mark throws and 
> rethrows on subscript members.
> Detailed design
> This change will modify and add the following productions in the Swift grammar
> subscript-declaration → subscript-head subscript-result code-block
> subscript-declaration → subscript-head subscript-result getter-setter-block
> subscript-declaration → subscript-head subscript-result 
> getter-setter-keyword-block
> -subscript-head → attributes(opt) declaration-modifiers(opt) subscript 
> parameter-clause
> +subscript-head → attributes(opt) declaration-modifiers(opt) 
> generic-parameter-clause(opt) subscript parameter-clause
> +subscript-result → -> attributes(opt) throws(opt) type
> +subscript-result → -> attributes(opt) rethrows(opt) type
> Rationale
> On [Date], the core team decided to (TBD) this proposal.
> When the core team makes a decision regarding this proposal,
> their rationale for the decision will be written here.
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