> On Jun 22, 2016, at 7:27 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon <br...@architechies.com> 
> wrote:
> I think you're tremendously overcomplicating the design.

This isn’t intended as a proposed design.  It is intended to start a discussion 
exploring the design space.

>> If we’re going to consider alternative designs it is worth considering the 
>> semantic space available.  For the sake of discussion, here is a model that 
>> captures the various semantics that exist (the names are just strawmen):
>>                          Iterable 
>>                          /          \
>>                         /             \
>>                        /               \
>>   FiniteIterable                 MultipassIterable
>>                       \                 /
>>                         \              / 
>>                          \            /
>>                         Sequence
>>                                |
>>                                |
>>                         Collection
>> `Iterable` corresponds to the current `Sequence` - no semantics beyond 
>> iteration are required.  Infinite, single-pass “sequences” may conform.  
> Okay, so let's start by undoing that renaming to make clear which semantics 
> in this hierarchy are actually new and which ones are already part of the 
> standard library.
>                        Sequence 
>                          /          \
>                         /             \
>                        /               \
>   FiniteSequence         MultipassSequence
>                       \                 /
>                         \              / 
>                          \            /
>               FiniteMultipassSequence
>                                |
>                                |
>                         Collection

Yes, I should have done it this way to begin with.

>> `for..in` naturally requires `FiniteIterable`,
> Why? There's nothing conceptually incoherent about looping over an infinite 
> sequence. Even ignoring errors, you can `break` out, you can `exit()` from an 
> interior method, you can abort or fail a precondition, or you can just let it 
> loop forever. Forbidding potentially-infinite for loops `for` loops is an 
> arbitrary limitation.

The argument for doing this is that `for..in` is syntactic sugar and looping 
over an infinite sequence using it is often going to be a mistake.  I think 
it’s reasonable to suggest that it be a little be more difficult to write an 
infinite loop in order to prevent one from doing so accidentally.  The position 
you and Dave have taken is also reasonable.

>> but does not require the `MultipassIterable`.
>> There are many interesting infinite `MultipassIterable` types.  These 
>> include any dynamically generated sequence, such as a mathematical sequence 
>> (even numbers, odd numbers, etc).  This is also what the existing `Sequence` 
>> would become if we drop support for destructive sequences and do nothing 
>> else (note: it would still be possible to accidentally write a `for..in` 
>> loop over an infinite sequence).
> Okay, but all of these can be represented as infinite Collections.
> Let me explain. If a Sequence is truly multipass—that is, you can iterate 
> over it many times and it will always return the same elements—then it must 
> look something like this:
>       struct MyElement { … }  
>       struct MyState {
>               …
>               init() { … }
>               mutating func formNextElement(in: MySequence) { … }
>               var currentElement(in: MySequence) -> MyElement? { … }
>       }
>       struct MySequence: MultipassSequence {
>               struct Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
>                       var sequence: MySequence
>                       var state: MyState
>                       init(sequence: MySequence, initialState: MyState) {
>                               self.sequence = sequence
>                               self.state = initialState
>                       }
>                       mutating func next() -> MyElement? {
>                               defer { someState.formNextElement(in: sequence) 
> }
>                               return someState.currentElement(in: sequence)
>                       }
>               }
>               func formIterator() -> MyIterator {
>                       return MyIterator(sequence: self, initialState: 
> MyState())
>               }
>       }
> Now, the pieces may *appear* to be different—the Iterator may not actually 
> need a reference to the Sequence, the state may be stored in many properties 
> instead of just one, the code to iterate and get the current element may be 
> directly in `next()` instead of in methods `next()` calls—but any multipass 
> Sequence and Iterator could be refactored to match this pattern, so all 
> multipass Sequences and Iterators are equivalent to it.
> But you can convert MySequence into a possibly infinite MyCollection like so:
>       struct MyCollection: PossiblyInfiniteCollection {
>               enum Index: Comparable {
>                       var offset: Int
>                       var state: MyState?
>               }
>               var startIndex: Index {
>                       return Index(offset: 0, state: MyState())
>               }
>               var endIndex: Index {
>                       return Index(offset: Int.max, state: nil)
>               }
>               func formIndex(after index: inout Index) {
>                       index.state!.formNextElement(in: self)
>                       if index.state!.currentElement(in: self) == nil {
>                               index.offset = Int.max
>                       }
>                       else {
>                               index.offset! += 1
>                       }
>               }
>               subscript(index: Index) -> MyElement {
>                       return index.state!.currentElement(in: self)
>               }
>       }
>       func == (lhs: MyCollection.Index, rhs: MyCollection.Index) -> Bool {
>               return lhs.offset == rhs.offset
>       }
>       func < (lhs: MyCollection.Index, rhs: MyCollection.Index) -> Bool {
>               return lhs.offset < rhs.offset
>       }
> In other words, whatever state (other than the sequence itself) the Iterator 
> needs to keep in its stored properties can instead be stored inside an index, 
> and whatever logic the Iterator needs to implement its `next()` method can 
> instead be split between `formIndex(after:)` and `subscript(_:)`. Any 
> MultipassSequence can be written as a PossiblyInfiniteCollection if you're 
> willing to put in the effort. And this is a boon to its multipass-ness, 
> because you can not only start over again from the beginning, but start over 
> from *any* step in the iteration.
> If any MultipassSequence can be written as a PossiblyInfiniteCollection, then 
> we can eliminate another protocol:
>                        Sequence 
>                          /          \
>                         /             \
>                        /               \
>   FiniteSequence         PossiblyInfiniteCollection
>                       \                 /
>                         \              / 
>                          \            /
>                         Collection
> Now we can move any members which may not terminate early (like `map` or 
> `last`) or are ill-defined when infinite (`count`) into `FiniteSequence` and 
> `Collection`, while leaving any which often do terminate early (like `first` 
> or `index(of:)`) in `Sequence` and `PossiblyInfiniteCollection`.
> Is this necessary? I don't really know. Arguably, we could simply provide 
> this hierarchy:
>                        Sequence 
>                          /          \
>                         /             \
>                        /               \
>      IteratorProtocol      Collection
> Where Iterators must be treated as potentially infinite, Collections are 
> always finite, and you are asked (or, with a "closed protocol" feature, 
> forced) to conform to one or the other, rather than to Sequence directly. 
> Then the non-infinite-safe APIs like `map` can move onto `Collection` and 
> we'll have covered most of the use cases which matter.

Thanks!  This is exactly the kind of discussion I intended to encourage with my 

This looks pretty good to me but it doesn’t address the issue that initiated 
this thread - removing destructive consumption (non-multipass) from Sequence.  
How do envision that fitting in?

Can you also elaborate on what you envision `IteratorProtocol` would look like 
in this picture?  You depict it refining `Sequence`.  That is not the current 
design in the standard library so it isn’t immediately clear to me.


> -- 
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies

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