I don’t like an underscore on public protocols. If we’re not forced to use the 
proposed syntax at all it looks strange when you use a type with an underscore 
(which to me represents something for private or internal usage).

In Swift we only can use literals for a single direction literal -> type, so 
why don’t we just rename the protocols to look like:

public protocol NilLiteralProtocol { ... }
public protocol BooleanLiteralProtocol { ... }
public protocol FloatLiteralProtocol { ... }
public protocol IntegerLiteralProtocol { ... }
public protocol UnicodeScalarLiteralProtocol { ... }
public protocol ExtendedGraphemeClusterProtocol { ... }
public protocol StringLiteralLiteralProtocol { ... }
public protocol StringInterpolationLiteralProtocol { ... }
public protocol ArrayLiteralProtocol { ... }
public protocol DictionaryLiteralProtocol { ... }
Here Protocol corresponds to the user that we’re about to access a specific 
literal with our type which implements the protocol. (Just like ErrorProtocol.)
- extension Array : ArrayLiteralConvertible
+ extension Array : ArrayLiteralProtocol

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 24. Juni 2016 um 16:21:21, Vladimir.S via swift-evolution 
(swift-evolution@swift.org) schrieb:

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