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> On Jun 27, 2016, at 8:32 PM, Jonathan Hull via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> Comments inline
>> On Jun 27, 2016, at 9:39 AM, Dave Abrahams <> wrote:
>> I should be clear up-front about the main problem I'm trying to solve:
>> Today, people see a beautiful, simple protocol (Sequence) to which many
>> things conform. They don't recognize that there's a semantic restriction
>> (assume you can make only a single-pass!) on it, so they write libraries
>> of functions that may make multiple passes over Sequences.  They test
>> their libraries with the most commonly-available Sequences, e.g. Arrays
>> and Ranges, which happen to be multi-pass.  Their tests pass!  But their
>> constraints are wrong, their whole model of how to write generic code
>> over sequences is wrong, and some of their code is wrong.
>> IMO this is a problematic programming model.
> Agreed.
>>> on Sun Jun 26 2016, Jonathan Hull <> wrote:
>>> Can’t a Sequence be potentially infinite, whereas a collection has a
>>> defined count/endIndex?  Other than that, I agree with your statement.
>> I agree that that is currently what the documentation allows and requires.
>> Maybe we do need to separate finiteness from multipass-ness.  There's
>> certainly no reason one can't make multiple passes over a portion of an
>> infinite sequence.
> I have a use-case for this below.  Graphical manipulation using a repeatable 
> sequence of random numbers.
>>  [Just to complicate things... I wonder if finiteness is really
>> meaningful.  It's easy to create a finite sequence that's so long that
>> it's “effectively infinite.”]
> See below… I am definitely guilty of this.  That said, if we had explicit 
> infinite sequences (with subscripts), I would use those instead of 
> collections for these use-cases.
>>> Here is what I see as the appropriate structure:
>>> Iterator: Single destructive pass, potentially infinite, (should be
>>> for-in able)
>> [Note: the best way to represent “single destructive pass” today is to
>> constrain Iterator to be a reference type.  Otherwise, it's both easy to
>> create an Iterator that can be used to make multiple passes (by
>> copying), and to create a truly single-pass Iterator that suggests it
>> has value semantics.  These are both potentially misleading situations]
> Hmm… This is a really good point.  I can see why you are thinking of making 
> it a reference type.
> If a particular iterator can safely be cloned mid-stream, then it can provide 
> its own interface to allow that.  The value type makes a promise which can’t 
> always be kept.
>>> Sequence: Guaranteed non-destructive multi-pass (vends Iterators),
>>> potentially infinite, (should be subscript-able, gain most of
>>> collection, but lose anything that relies on it ending)
>>> Collection: Multi-pass, guaranteed finite, (no changes from current
>>> form, except extra inits from Iterator/Sequence with end conditions)
>> This is a reasonable structure, but there are important details missing.
>> 1. Presumably these are all for-in-able.  What makes something
>>   for-in-able?
> I would think the potentially infinite should require for-in-until (even if 
> you explicitly set until to false to create an infinite loop), but collection 
> would allow for-in (with optional until).  That way you have to acknowledge 
> the possibility of an infinite sequence/iterator.

This is an interesting idea.  I think I like it!

>> 2. Presumably Collection refines Sequence.  Does Sequence refine
>>   Iterator?  IMO that would create the same problematic programming
>>   model we have today.
> Sequence vends iterators. (a sequence is NOT a refinement of iterator, it 
> just creates them as needed)
>> Perhaps the language should accept types conforming to either of two
>> unrelated protocols (your Sequence and Iterator, as you've described
>> them, with no refinement relationship) for for-in.
> Yes.
>> Right now we are allowed to have an infinite sequence, but calling
>>> dropLast or non-lazy map will cause an infinite loop.  These cases
>>> could be made much safer by considering the potentially infinite and
>>> finite cases separately...
>> The other thing I am concerned about here is that we're addressing real
>> use-cases with these distinctions.  For example, do people commonly get
>> in trouble with infinite sequences today?
> Probably not… because they avoid infinite sequences to avoid getting into 
> trouble.  I was bitten a few times early on (I assumed map was lazy) and just 
> avoided them until recently.
> I think they would be used more often if you could guarantee that their use 
> was safe (i.e. being forced to consider the infinite possibility).  I would 
> like to have a bunch of infinite sequences that could easily be refined to 
> collections.  The ones I would use most often would be the natural numbers 
> and random numbers.  Also imagine, an infinite sequence of random colors 
> which look fairly good together.  Markov chains, die rolls… there are a lot 
> of potential uses that become interesting once the threat of accidental 
> infinite loop has been removed...
> As a real world example of the "effectively infinite” sequence, this weekend 
> I created a Swift 3 collection of repeatable random values (of any type 
> conforming to a protocol). I would have used sequence if the subscript 
> behavior was available on it, since I do intend it to be an infinite sequence 
> in most cases (Apologies for the lack of comments, it is not yet prepared for 
> public consumption):
> The use case here is to create a hand-drawn look for a CGPath by breaking it 
> up into pieces and then jiggling the pieces about (using random CGVectors). I 
> quickly realized that I needed a repeatable source of randomness (otherwise 
> the drawing would move each time it was redrawn), and thus a multi-pass 
> sequence.

Thank you for sharing this example.  It's a good one.

> I am a little bit nervous every time I use this, as it has the potential for 
> an “effectively infinite” loop, but is proving useful throughout my project.
> Thanks,
> Jon
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jon
>>>> on Wed Jun 22 2016, David Waite <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Jun 22, 2016, at 2:57 PM, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution
>>>>>> <swift-evolution at
>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> <Ahem> “Iterators,” please.
>>>>> That makes me happy - for some reason I thought it was still 
>>>>> GeneratorProtocol
>>>>>>> destructively, but such Generators would not conform to the needs of
>>>>>>> Sequence. As such, the most significant impact would be the inability
>>>>>>> to use such Generators in a loop, 
>>>>>> Trying to evaluate this statement, it's clear we're missing lots of
>>>>>> detail here:
>>>>>> * Would you remove Sequence?
>>>>>> * If so, what Protocol would embody “”
>>>>> No, I would just remove the allowance in the documentation and API
>>>>> design for a destructive/consuming iteration. Sequence would be the
>>>>> interface to getting access to repeatable iteration, without the need
>>>>> for meeting the other requirements for Collection.
>>>> That would be wrong unless there exist substantial examples of a
>>>> multipass Sequence that *can't* meet the other requirements of
>>>> Collection without loss of efficiency.  And since I can write an adaptor
>>>> that turns any multipass sequence into a Collection, I think it's
>>>> trivial to prove that no such examples exist.
>>>> -- 
>>>> -Dave
>> -- 
>> -Dave
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