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> On Jul 6, 2016, at 6:39 PM, Scott James Remnant <> wrote:
>> On Jul 6, 2016, at 4:34 PM, Matthew Johnson <> wrote:
>> Many of us believe “final” is too blunt a tool.  There are many cases where 
>> final cannot be used but you still don’t want external users subclassing or 
>> overriding.  
>> We would like a more precise tool for these circumstances and believe if it 
>> is going to exist in Swift it should be the default.  Its behavior follows 
>> the principle of requiring programmers to explicitly make decisions about 
>> what behavior is exposed outside of a module.  You may not like that 
>> principle, but it is one that has been embraced by the language.
> I am all for these things, and would be in favor of a proposal that does this 
> cleanly(*)… the proposal text I reviewed does not.
> * e.g. the final/sealed/open keywords you suggest, with sealed being the new 
> default, makes a huge amount of sense to me and feels clean, since it keeps 
> access and finality separate, and as you say, explicitly make decisions in a 
> manner otherwise consistent with the language.

Great!  I agree with you that the specific details of the proposal can be 
improved.  The core team is free to "accept with revision" and that's what I 
hope they do in this case.

> Scott
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