Really happy to see this proposal. It will cut build times for packages that 
use my library significantly.

The only point I would bring up is about using a `Bool` for `isPrivate`. This 
obviously only gives us 2 levels of access control. Something like this would 
give more flexibility:

enum AccessControl {
    case .public
    case .private

Target(name: "SampleCLI", dependencies: ["FooCore"], access: .private)

Packages could possibly want more fine grained control over the access control. 
e.g, Package Foo wants only packages that directly depend on Foo to receive a 
module, but not packages that depend on a package Bar that depends on Foo. This 
would be much easier to add as an additional case to the `enum AccessControl` 
but impossible to add for `isPrivate: Bool`

Thanks Ankit for the great proposal!
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