Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 9, 2016, at 9:59 AM, Andre <> wrote:
> Thanks for the thoughtful responses, its appreciated.

And thank you for the dialogue and keeping an open mind on this.

>> 2016/07/09 23:30、Matthew Johnson <> のメール:
>>> On Jul 9, 2016, at 8:39 AM, Andre <> wrote:
>>> Personally, Im not against sealed by default, but I think there are cases 
>>> where closed source libraries have certain cases where workarounds are 
>>> necessary, and just sealing by default will prevent those cases. 
>>> One could say, "well just use an open source one, or change vendors" but 
>>> its not that easy in The Real World™ where we get certain SDKs shoved down 
>>> our throats by the suits… and while that may be a separate issue to the one 
>>> at hand, its still a problem that won’t resolve itself by simply locking 
>>> down things…
>>> In my own case, Ive fought with NSBrowser / NSTreeController in the past 
>>> and the only way to resolve things was to subclass (and no, waiting 1 or 2 
>>> years for a fix is not acceptable if you already have a product in the 
>>> wild).
>>> So I am reticent to support this proposal without an escape hatch for those 
>>> cases…
>> Are you concerned about closed-source vendor frameworks beyond Apple’s?  
>> Some things to consider:
>> 1. This proposal should not impact any existing libraries - nobody should be 
>> shipping closed-source binary libraries written in Swift yet.
>> 2. Apple’s frameworks will probably remain in Objective-C for some time to 
>> come.  If / when they are replaced with Swift frameworks the default will 
>> have little (if any) impact on the public API contract.  It is reasonable to 
>> expect that Apple will review the public contracts carefully and add any 
>> annotations necessary to achieve the desired semantics.
>> 3. In the future, if you depend on any 3rd party closed-source libraries 
>> written in Swift you will be able to ship an update to your app that 
>> contains an updated / fixed version of the library independent of the user 
>> upgrading their OS.
> I see, makes sense and I get a better idea where this is going… its how I 
> feel as well...
>> This leaves the scenario of a case where you depend on a 3rd party, 
>> closed-source library written in Swift and where you cannot get (or use) a 
>> fix from the vendor for some reason.  This is a legitimate concern, but IMO 
>> it is not large enough to outweigh all of the advantages of making sealed 
>> the default.  
> What are your thoughts on an ability for a way to force unseal a class that 
> does need to be fixed, even if its temporary?
> Something like:
> class MyFixedClass : @forceUnseal(SomeSealedClassThatNeedsFixing) { //Emits a 
> scary compiler warning
> }
> Does that even seem feasible/possible, much less reasonable…?
> Though it would have to be a perhaps separate discussion, this comes to my 
> mind as becoming necessary down the road, but maybe I’m wrong...

I'm not opposed to something like this in principle, but I'm not sure how it 
would work in practice.  There was some discussion of something along these 
lines on the list at one point (I think Joe Groff had some ideas).  However, I 
don't think this is possible if the optimizer takes advantage of the sealed 
status when the library is compiled.  I'll leave it to the compiler experts to 
comment further on feasibility.  

>> There is no doubt that adopting sealed by default will place some pressure 
>> on the Swift ecosystem.  As others have noted, this pressure already exists 
>> in the form of value types, protocol-oriented designs, etc - the current 
>> proposal is a relatively modest increase in that pressure.   I believe the 
>> pressure will have a very positive impact over time (the eventual outcome 
>> remains to be seen of course).  
> This is also, to me, a thing I am concerned about… its kind of an unknown I 
> suppose...

I agree that it is an unknown.  But it's not unprecedented in languages.  I 
think someone mentions Apple's object-based C level APIs as an obvious example 
where the inability to subclass hasn't been problematic in practice.

>> Swift library vendors will need to choose between opening their source, 
>> providing responsive support and bug fixes, explicitly providing the escape 
>> hatch you mention (by designing with open types) or getting a bad reputation 
>> among users.
> Yes…. Well, anything that gets third parties to open up their closed 
> frameworks is a big win-win IMO… some of them are not very good (to put it 
> mildly) and could use more scrutiny.

Sure, I agree with that.  It's worth noting that the choice a library vendor 
makes about where they want to be on this spectrum provides information that 
could be useful when evaluating a dependency.  

Of course it could be hard to tell the difference between option 2 (responsive 
support and fixes) vs option 4 (bad reputation) when a library is relatively 
young - and sometimes a vendor might have better intentions than they do 
follow-through.  But depending on a new library from a vendor with an unknown 
reputation is always going to be a relatively risky choice to begin with.

>> I have seen some comments about nontrivial complexity in Apple’s frameworks 
>> caused by apps subclassing where they should not have (i.e. classes that 
>> would be sealed if it were possible in Objective-C).  This is extremely 
>> unfortunate and it impacts everyone on Apple’s platforms.
>> I wish I had links handy for you, but I don’t recall exactly where or when 
>> this was mentioned and don’t have time to dig them up right now.
> I see, thats reasonable… if those links are available somewhere I would 
> definitely like to see them, it would be a good education for me…

IIRC like Jordan Rose may have made some comments along these lines either on 
list or on Twitter if you want to search, but that is a fuzzy memory and could 
easily be wrong.  :)

> ---
> A little more for me to think about, but maybe I can cast a vote in a little 
> bit…

Glad it helps!

> Again, thanks for the thoughtful response!

You're very welcome!  This is will be an important and consequential decision 
regardless of outcome.

> Andre
>>> Andre
>>>> 2016/07/09 22:11、Shawn Erickson <> のメール:
>>>> What I don't get in the arguments against this capability is the fact that 
>>>> many constructs in Swift can't be subclassed. Are we going to prevent 
>>>> library developers from presenting those in the public API? Your ability 
>>>> to subclass things when not supported by the library developer is already 
>>>> going to be greatly reduced. Additionally you are going to miss 
>>>> potentially helpful optimization in side the model if the library 
>>>> developer can't prevent extras subclassing.
>>>> It seems perfectly reasonable to allow a lot of freedoms for a library 
>>>> developer when designing their code on their side of the library API and 
>>>> not force them to expose unwanted API just because of internal design 
>>>> desires. 
>>>> (I have myself have already struggled with having to leak what I consider 
>>>> internal details outside of modules we have developed internally, likely 
>>>> need to get around to outlining the additional issues I see)
>>>> In the end if the library isn't good and you don't like the API find one 
>>>> that works the way you need (or make one). I expect a fairly rich 
>>>> environment of libraries that will sort itself out over time.
>>>> -Shawn
>>>>> On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 8:43 AM Andre via swift-evolution 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> > However, you *do not* want any new subclasses added as you know that is 
>>>>> > not likely to end well.
>>>>> Im curious, what kind of real-world scenario would "not end well" cover?
>>>>> I’m genuinely curious, since Im still on the fence about this, but am 
>>>>> willing to be convinced… if sealed by default brings more positives than 
>>>>> negatives…
>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>> Andre
>>>>> > 2016/07/09 21:36、Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>>>>> > <> のメール:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Sent from my iPad
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> On Jul 9, 2016, at 3:48 AM, Goffredo Marocchi via swift-evolution 
>>>>> >> <> wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>> On 8 Jul 2016, at 15:09, Károly Lőrentey via swift-evolution 
>>>>> >>> <> wrote:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Even in Java, it is a bad idea to leave classes subclassable; but 
>>>>> >>> having to remember to add final is a chore.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> I still think it is worth doing that chore. The fact of the matter is 
>>>>> >> that Java did not and is not enforcing that default and how many 
>>>>> >> widely used production languages you know that do enforce this by 
>>>>> >> default instead of asking library authors to do this bit of work?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > People keep talking about just adding final.  This *is not* an 
>>>>> > alternative.  We are not talking about preventing subclasses by default 
>>>>> > (i.e. final by default).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > We are talking about preventing subclasses *in other modules* by 
>>>>> > default (i.e. sealed by default).  The alternative would be to 
>>>>> > introduce a sealed keyword (or similar).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > There are times when you *need* to use subclasses inside your module.  
>>>>> > Some or all of them may not even be directly visible externally (class 
>>>>> > clusters).  However, you *do not* want any new subclasses added as you 
>>>>> > know that is not likely to end well.  This is why having sealed, not 
>>>>> > just final, is important.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > By choosing sealed as a default rather than final, we are keeping the 
>>>>> > "subclassable by default" status *within* modules.  This facilitates 
>>>>> > experimentation and eliminates the need for application level code to 
>>>>> > opt-in to subclassing while still making external API contracts 
>>>>> > explicit and therefore hopefully more robust.  It is the default most 
>>>>> > in-line with the values and goals of Swift.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 'final' and 'sealed' are two very different things.  Let's please keep 
>>>>> > this focused on what is actually being proposed.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >>
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