The problem with Mirror is that it can only carry a metatype around and thats 
it. You may be able to extract it from there and than what? You’ll cast it the 
old fashion way.

As I may recall I asked the community in the following thread about Hashable 
ability, which isn’t implementable without compiler magic and special internal 
protocols: [Discussion] Can we make .Type Hashable?

Your last API for Type<T> doesn’t solve any problems:

var size: Int { return sizeof(T.self) } is the wrong way to go.
If you extract a dynamic metatype from your Mirror, you still won’t be able to 
use Type<T> to calculate the right size for it. Not possible with such design.
Static properties do the same as instance properties. With this we could just 
leave MemoryLayout and don’t need Type<T> at all.
You’re talking about the lack of the ability of dispatching static members (you 
also forget initializer), which is not right. We don’t remove the ability to do 
so. It just gets a bottleneck property metatype.

I’m busy completing your last gist with all the mentioned facts. Here is the 
last portion I just finished:


Current metatypes T.Type have one additional feature that Type<T> will not have 
(directly). They can invoke static methods and initializer of types they 

Thus, we cannot drop metatypes. But they will be renamed: old T.Type will 
become Metatype<T> and old internal T.self will become T.metatype, where the 
public T.self returns an instance of Type<T>.

Example in Swift 2.2:

protocol HasStatic   { static func staticMethod() -> String }
struct A : HasStatic { static func staticMethod() -> String { return "A" } }
struct B : HasStatic { static func staticMethod() -> String { return "B" } }

func callStatic(_ metatype: HasStatic.Type) {
    // `Type<T>` cannot do this, but there will be a  
    // bottleneck property `metatype` to achieve this.
    let result = metatype.staticMethod()   

let a = A.self
let b = B.self
callStatic(a)  //=> A
callStatic(b)  //=> B
In other words, metatypes (continue to) allow dynamic polymorphism for static 

After this proposal we will have two distinct ways to achieve the same result:

// Version 1:
func callStatic(_ metatype: Metatype<HasStatic>) {
    let result = metatype.staticMethod()   

let a = A.self.metatype
let b = B.self.metatype
callStatic(a)  //=> A
callStatic(b)  //=> B

// Version 2:
func callStatic(_ type: Type<HasStatic>) {
    let result = type.metatype.staticMethod()   

let a = Type<HasStatic>(casting: A.self)!
let b = Type<HasStatic>(casting: B.self)!
callStatic(a)  //=> A
callStatic(b)  //=> B
Everything is still possible, only the casting becomes a little clumsy. 
Therefore I’ll add section about dynamic casts such as as, as?, as! and is 
which needs a little tweaking. As I already showed in my last post. It’s 
totally safe to introduce this tweaking post Swift 3.

Please stay patient and let me finish the addition.

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 16. Juli 2016 um 14:19:08, Anton Zhilin ( schrieb:

My suggestion 
Allow labelless initialization of 
Mirror from metatype or from value
Move dynamic 
alignment to 

T.self and future type literals will create instances of 
struct Type<T> {

    var size: Int { return sizeof(T.self) }
    var stride: Int { return strideof(T.self) }
    var alignment: Int { return alignof(T.self) }
    static var size: Int { return sizeof(T.self) }
    static var stride: Int { return strideof(T.self) }
    static var alignment: Int { return alignof(T.self) }

    var metatype: Metatype<T> { return T.metatype }
    static var metatype: Metatype<T> { return T.metatype }

    // Nothing more; no fields!
Metatypes will be typically created using 
Type<T>.metatype and 

Pro Both static and dynamic 
alignment are in logically suited contexts

Pro Metatypes (with which few people will work) are separated from static types 
(which are used for function specialization etc)

Con Additional entity 
Type<T>, but I think it’s the most elegant of all solutions that introduce 
additional types
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