> On 16 Jul 2016, at 16:32, Karl <raziel.im+swift-us...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 16 Jul 2016, at 16:10, T.J. Usiyan via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> What happens if I want an `internal` subclass of an `open` class? 
> That should be allowable. You may want some optimised implementations, 
> similar to how Apple used class-clusters in Obj-C. I don’t think that same 
> pattern is exactly possible in Swift (I don’t think a class can set ‘self’ in 
> its initialiser, or at least it couldn’t in Swift 1). But the same principle 
> applies - you may want a public class which you don’t allow others to 
> subclass, but you might have a static method or other function which returns 
> an internal optimised implementation.
> If you used a protocol rather than a concrete type in that case, 
> theoretically others could conform to it and throw their own objects back at 
> your code, which goes against the point of this proposal.
> We might think about creating ‘sealed’ protocols, too.
> Karl

Sorry to mail 3 times in a row, but as I finished I remembered a concrete 
example of where sealed protocols would be helpful:

UIKit has a UITextInput protocol, which is used by custom text object which 
want to interact with the keyboard. It has a delegate property, of type 
UITextInputDelegate (another protocol).

I have seen lots of people try to have their own objects conform to 
UITextInputDelegate and set themselves as the delegate on a UITextInput object. 
That is the wrong usage of the property. You are never supposed to conform to 
UITextInputDelegate; the system has something which conforms to it, and it will 
set itself as your delegate at some point during text input. You use it to 
notify the system about changes to the text content and selection region.


If it was a sealed protocol, the UIKit API authors would be able to more 
clearly communicate this intention and people wouldn’t be able to fall in this 
trap. The only other way they could do it would be to use a concrete final 
type, which evidently they didn’t want to do (possibly because it has internal 
subclasses and can’t be final).

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