
I don't disagree with you about bitwise operations (please read my email 
again). I'm saying when it comes to `??`, we don't have the evidence necessary 
for proposing a breaking change.

> On 08 Sep 2016, at 14:21, Vladimir.S <sva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why do you need to see some precedence (…) while this construction is so 
> simple and obviously would be used often and *will* cause bugs. (…)

Let me put it differently: I still haven't seen, nor was I able to conceive 
myself, a realistic example where `??` would cause problems.

>> The original motivation by Erica simply failed to compile (…)
> Sorry, but you are just not right.

Let me remind you that the original motivation from Erica wasn't about which 
way `foundIndex ?? lastIndex + 1` goes but about whether `let y = 5 + x ?? 2` 
compiles at all.

> The code compiles without even warning:
> let foundIndex : Int? = 1
> let lastIndex = 2
> let nextIndex = foundIndex ?? lastIndex + 1

It certainly does compile. But is it realistic? Look at the variable names: 
does this code make any sense at all? What is `lastIndex`? What is `lastIndex + 
1`? Why not `things.endIndex`? Indeed, why not:

    let foundIndex: Int? = things.index(of: something)
    let nextIndex = foundIndex.map { $0 + 1 } ?? things.endIndex

That said, I give you the benefit of the doubt – I still believe there can be 
examples where `??` may be confusing. But without seeing any such examples from 
the real world, I don't think we have a case for changing `??`.

> After I showed the code compiles, would you change your opinion?

No, not with these examples.

* * *


> IMO the best solution (…) would be to require (…) parenthesis when operators 
> from different groups are mixed in the same expression. IMO no need in 
> complex rules to make Swift safer. I.e. when you have a = 10 + 5 * 10 - you 
> don't need parenthesis, when you have a = b << 4  - also all is ok, but if 
> you have a = b << 4 + 5 * 10 - you'll have a warning until add parenthesis to 
> make your intention clear. (…)

Look, changing how `b << 4 + 5 * 10` is compiled is exactly what I was 
proposing. With my changes, it would become a compiler error. IMO, it ought to 
be parenthesised explicitly as either

    (b << 4) + 5 * 10


    b << (4 + 5 * 10)

depending on which one was intended.

— Pyry

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