> On Sep 17, 2016, at 6:37 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Has there been any discussions about the possibility of having generic 
> associatedtypes?
> I (naively) think that it would open up a lot of possibilities.
> Because if, for example, we could do this:
> protocol CountType {
>     associatedtype Storage<E>
>     ...
> }
> Then we could do this:
> struct Count1 : CountType {
>     typealias Storage<E> = (E)
>     ...
> }
> struct Count2 : CountType {
>     typealias Storage<E> = (E, E)
>     ...
> }
> struct Count3 : CountType {
>     typealias Storage<E> = (E, E, E)
>     ...
> }
> ...
> protocol StaticArrayType {
>     associatedtype Count: CountType
>     associatedtype Element
>     ...
> }
> struct StaticArray<C: CountType, Element> : StaticArrayType {
>     typealias Count = C
>     var storage: C.Storage<Element>
>     ...
> }
> Would adding support for generic associatedtypes be possible? Are there any 
> plans for it?

Possible, yes, plans, no.

Generic associated types go part and parcel with higher-kinded quantification 
and higher-kinded types, the implementation challenges of which have been 
discussed thoroughly on this list and elsewhere.  Is there a particular flavor 
you had in mind?

One major problem is that presumably you’d want to constrain such a generic 
associatedtype and then we’d have to have some kind of 
type-level-yet-runtime-relevant apply of a generic witness table to another 
potentially generic witness.  It’s not clear what that kind of thing would look 
like, or how far it would have to be taken to get the kind of support you would 
expect from a basic implementation higher associatedtypes.  Implementations in 
languages like Haskell tend to also be horrendously inefficient - I believe 
Edward Kmett calls is the “Mother May I” effect of forcing a witness table to 
indirect through multiple layers of the witness because inlining necessarily 
fails for the majority of these things in the MTL.

tl;dr Basic examples like the ones you cite hide the kinds of tremendously evil 
fun things you can do once you have these kinds of features.

> (
> I tried searching for it but I found only this:
> https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20160411/015089.html
> <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20160411/015089.html>
> )
> Thanks,
> /Jens
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