> On Sep 30, 2016, at 1:23 AM, Douglas Gregor <dgre...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 28, 2016, at 4:30 PM, Matthew Johnson <matt...@anandabits.com 
>> <mailto:matt...@anandabits.com>> wrote:
>>>> Is the decision on "no-overlapping-conformances” something that’s seen-as 
>>>> set in stone permanently, set in stone for the near future, or perhaps at 
>>>> least somewhat open to reconsideration at the present moment?
>>> There hasn’t been a decision per se, so it that sense it’s open to 
>>> reconsideration.
>>> I have a strong *personal* bias against overlapping conformances, because I 
>>> feel that the amount of complexity that they introduce into the language 
>>> and its implementation far outweigh any benefits.
>> I would like a bit further clarification on what the prohibition of 
>> overlapping conformances implies.
> I think I presented it poorly in the proposal, and will see if I can find a 
> clearer exposition (for posterity, if not soon enough to aid the review).
>>  For example, consider this modification of your example in a Swift that 
>> allows for same type constraints in extensions.  Would this be allowed?
> Short answer: no. Longer answer below.
>>  There would be two different conformances to Foo for SomeWrapper, but they 
>> would never “overlap” (i.e. both be candidates for the same concrete type).
>> struct SomeWrapper<Wrapped> {
>>   let wrapped: Wrapped
>> }
>> protocol Foo {
>> associatedtype Bar
>>   func bar() -> Bar
>> }
>> extension SomeWrapper: Foo where Wrapped == String {
>>   func bar() -> String {
>>     return “Hello"
>>   }
>> }
>> extension SomeWrapper: Foo where Wrapped == Int {
>>   func bar() -> Int {
>>     return 0
>>   }
>> }
> This is a case where we *could* determine that the two conformances will 
> never overlap, because we can statically determine that trying to satisfy the 
> requirements of both extensions at the same time results in a 
> conflict—Wrapped cannot be both equal to an Int and a String. However, I 
> think it’s a bad idea to allow these two conformances, for a couple of 
> reasons:
> (1) It’s going to immediately feature-creep as developers want to be able to 
> treat more kinds of extensions as non-overlapping, e.g., calling two 
> protocols mutually-exclusive (Russ’s example), or introducing some kind of 
> negative constraint (‘Wrapper: !Foo’) to arbitrarily break overlaps. 

Sure, we probably would see requests like this.  The fundamental issue here IMO 
is that type systems are great until they don’t let you express something that 
is relatively obvious conceptually, such as the above example.  This if ok as 
long as there is an alternative available that isn’t clearly worse (as in more 
boilerplate-y, less expressive, etc) and it is easily assimilated by the 
community using the language.  But it becomes very frustrating when that isn’t 
the case.  I’m not sure how often we will fall into the latter bucket because 
of this restriction but it seems likely to happen from time to time.

> (2) The issues I mentioned to Russ about the type checker having to treat 
> these as disjunctions, which can lead us into yet more exponential behavior.

Does Dave’s idea of not treating SomeWrapper itself as a type help at all here? 
 That is how I also conceptualize things.  SomeWrapper is a “type constructor” 
and SomeWrapper<MyConcreteType> is a type.

> (3) I don’t think it’s good design; if you’re going to write an extension to 
> make type X conform to protocol P, you should do so in the most general way 
> that is reasonable for X and P—not pick the one-off case you need this 
> moment. This way, when you do hit two ways in which X conforms to P, the 
> compile complains and nudges you to factor the conformance into something 
> more reusable and non-overlapping.

I agree with this in principle.  However, sometimes a more performant 
implementation might be possible with more type information (as discussed 
below).  It may also be the case that sometimes the general implementation is 
more difficult to write than is worth it for the current application.

>> Secondarily, I understand the reason for letting the “least specific” 
>> candidate conformance win (it is the most general).  But I wonder if this 
>> might leave performance on the table in some cases where a more specific 
>> implementation could use knowledge of the more specific details to implement 
>> the members more efficiently.  Using the example in your proposal, what if 
>> knowing `T` conforms to `S`, not just `R` allows `X5` to provide a more 
>> efficient implementation of the members of `P` and `R`?  If so, it seems 
>> unfortunate to leave that performance on the table.  Is this a valid 
>> concern?  Or is it unlikely to come up often enough in practice to matter?
> It’s a valid concern, and I’m sure it does come up in practice. Let’s create 
> a small, self-contained example:
> protocol P {
>   func f()
> }
> protocol Q: P { }
> struct X<T> { let t: T}
> extension X: P where T: P {
>   func f() {
>     /* general but slow */
>   }
> }
> extension X where T: Q {
>   func f() {
>     /* fast because it takes advantage of T: Q */
>   }
> }
> struct IsQ : Q { }
> func generic<U: P>(_ value: u) {
>   value.f()
> }
> generic(X<IsQ>())
> We’d like for the call to “value.f()” to get the fast version of f() from the 
> second extension, but the proposal doesn’t do that: the conformance to P is 
> “locked in” to the first extension.
> If we assume that we can see all of the potential implementations of “f” to 
> which we might want to dispatch, we could implement some dynamic scheme that 
> tries to pick the most specialized one. Of course, as with overlapping 
> conformances in general, this selection process could result in ambiguities.

This is what I suspected.  I’ll defer to Dave A on how big a concern this is, 
but it seems to me like a bit of a slippery slope towards sub-optimal 

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