> On Oct 19, 2016, at 9:35 AM, Douglas Gregor via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Oct 19, 2016, at 4:53 AM, Jay Abbott <j...@abbott.me.uk 
>> <mailto:j...@abbott.me.uk>> wrote:
>> Ok, good to know that's just a bug. But I still think that implicit @objc 
>> should be removed.
> Oh, I agree that implicit @objc should be removed. I suspect it’s responsible 
> for a nontrivial amount of code bloat and unnecessary Objective-C selector 
> collisions.
>> For bridged classes with obj-c-specific interfaces (for example a method 
>> that takes a selector), it would be better if the Swift-side interface was 
>> forced to make a Swifty interface that hides it. This way, the people 
>> maintaining an interface have to either a) write a wrapper with a Swifty 
>> interface; or b) explicitly cop out and use @objc and inform their users 
>> that they may also have to do the same in some situations; or c) persuade 
>> their employers to let them port the whole thing to pure Swift, which sounds 
>> like a lot of fun and is probably what they really want to do :D.
> I don’t quite view explicit @objc as a cop-out—it’s a useful tool to limit 
> the amount of glue code one needs to write.
>> I'm not really sure how this works though, at what level this is applied? 
>> Maybe it's more to do with the default build settings in Xcode than Swift 
>> itself? I just would rather see Swift stand alone by default.
> I think it’s a Swift language change: we should only infer ‘@objc’ when the 
>       * Overrides of an @objc API,
>       * Satisfies a requirement of an @objc protocol, or
>       * Uses a Swift feature that requires the Objective-C runtime (e.g., 
> @NSManaged, @IBAction, currently ‘dynamic’ although that feels wrong to me)

It might also be nice if referring to a method with #selector automatically 
tried to make it @objc.


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