William and Alex, thanks for the reply.  I’m aware of the compile-time option.  
My post was originally to ask if the difference between constant and closure 
initialization for constants was intentional (and likely to remain) or just a 
temporary idiosyncrasy.  I find #ifdef to be ugly and like prefer to avoid it 
unless absolutely necessary.  Thanks for the 
head up on Active Compilation Conditions William, I wasn’t aware of it.  
Anything I can do to avoid the Build Settings tab is more than welcome.

> On Oct 19, 2016, at 1:57 PM, William Sumner <prestonsum...@me.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 19, 2016, at 5:50 AM, David Goodine via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I don’t know if this is really an ‘evolution’ topic per se, and I’m not on 
>> Swift Dev, but thought someone here could shed some light on this.
>> Often when developing code, if I need create mode switches (constant Bools) 
>> so that I can move back and forth between different features/implementations 
>> for testing, developing experimental features, migration, etc.  Currently if 
>> I write the following:
>> let useFoo = true
>> if useFoo {
>> // Foo code
>> } else {
>> // Non-Foo code
>> }
>> I will get compiler warnings either way that there’s unreachable code based 
>> on the value of useFoo.  That makes sense in most cases, but in some cases I 
>> need to leave the code as is for a while, and I hate leaving long-standing 
>> compiler warnings in production code.  (If it’s yellow, you need to pay 
>> attention to it.)  So I poked around and discovered that if I use the 
>> following declaration of useFoo, the warnings go away.
>> let useFoo = { return true }()
>> So, the question is, is this intentional? The compiler could certainly 
>> ascertain that useFoo will always be true and carry out the same dead code 
>> detection as for the first declaration.  If this isn’t intentional, and the 
>> compiler may at some point optimize away the closure and trigger dead code 
>> warnings, I might come up with a proposal that there is some idiom that 
>> allows one to do the above without the warnings.  I’m really not a fan of 
>> #define (because it’s just butt-ugly in such a beautiful language), but its 
>> existence is unavoidable for some cases.  
>> And, as I write this, I realized I haven’t tried declaring useFoo as var, 
>> but I expect that would trigger a warning that useFoo is not modified and 
>> should be defined by let.  I think this is a use case that, for practical 
>> purposes, should be covered to allow this type of evolution of code without 
>> generating warnings.  If the current behavior is intentional and going to 
>> stay, then that’s probably the best solution.
>> -d
> You should use Active Compilation Conditions to create flags for conditional 
> compilation you can check with #if. If you’re not yet using Xcode 8, you can 
> manually define the flags under the Other Swift Flags build setting (e.g., 
> Preston

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