What about taking a mathematical approach to numbers?

protocol Group : Equatable {
    static var zero: Self { get }
    static func + (Self, Self) -> Self
    static func += (inout Self, Self)
    static func - (Self, Self) -> Self
    static func -= (inout Self, Self)
    static prefix func - (Self) -> Self

protocol Ring : Group {
    static var one: Self { get }
    static func * (Self, Self) -> Self
    static func *= (inout Self, Self)
    func tryDivide(by: Self) -> Self?
    func tryInvert() -> Self?

protocol Field : Ring {
    static func / (Self, Self) -> Self
    static func /= (inout Self, Self)
    var inverted: Self { get }

protocol VectorSpace : Group {
    associatedtype Scalar : Field
    static func * (Self, Scalar) -> Self
    static func *= (inout Self, Scalar) -> Self
    static func / (Self, Scalar) -> Self
    static func /= (inout Self, Scalar) -> Self
    static func * (Scalar, Self) -> Self

Detalization of mathematical terminology will be determined by what kind of
types we have in the standard library. Integer types are rings (except for
overflow), floating-point types are fields (except for precision), point
types are linear spaces, so I thought the abstractions above are the bare

Unfortunately, Swift doesn’t have rename operations for protocol
requirements, so we can’t express groups that use operations other than +
and -. What we can do is to include an adapter to wrap current instance in
an additive group interface:

struct MultiplicativeGroupAdapter<T: Field> : Group {
    // ...

extension Field {
    var multiplicativeGroup: MultiplicativeGroupAdapter<Self>

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