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> On Jan 15, 2017, at 18:02, Xiaodi Wu <> wrote:
> "Mathematically correct" integers behave just like Int in that there is not a 
> multiplicative inverse. What we're trying to do here is to determine how much 
> of what we know about mathematics is usefully modeled in the standard 
> library. The answer is not zero, because there is more than just counting 
> that people do with integers.

It's an interesting problem... When I was in school, "integer" division 
"returned" a "quotient and remainder", a "fraction" (which, occasionally, could 
be simplified to just an integer), or a "real". We never talked about division 
in the context of "(Int, Int) -> Int", though. OTOH, I never took any math 
classes past Differential Equations or Linear Algebra, either... I'm aware of 
areas of math where you formally restrict yourself to the kind of "(Int, Int) 
-> Int" operations we're doing here, but I don't really know much about it. Is 
division even well-defined in that context?

- Dave Sweeris
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