> On Jan 31, 2017, at 5:20 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Matthew Johnson <matt...@anandabits.com 
> <mailto:matt...@anandabits.com>> wrote:
> I think it’s fair to say that we get to decide on the semantics of postfix 
> `…`.  “a range with no upper bound” is very reasonable, but wouldn’t another 
> reasonable semantics be “all the rest”, meaning that there *is* an upper 
> bound (the greatest possible value).  
> "All the rest" is by itself insufficient so far as semantics: all the rest 
> _of what_? Supposing that our supplied lower bound is an integer, it must be 
> all the rest of the integers. It cannot be all the rest of whatever, where 
> whatever might be a collection that you try to subset with `0...`. (Recall 
> that collections move indices, but indices know nothing about the 
> collections.) It would be exceeding fuzzy for postfix `...` to mean "all the 
> rest of whatever I want it to mean"--that, almost tautologically, has no 
> semantics at all.
> Under the latter semantics, a `for i in 0…` loop would terminate after 
> reaching Int.max.  This is probably not what the user intended and would 
> still crash when used in David’s example, but it’s worth considering.
> OK, I'm borderline fine with `0... == 0...Int.max`. It at least provides some 
> semantics (i.e., we're saying `...` refers to all the rest of the values 
> representable by the type used for the lower bound) [**]. But Jaden's point 
> still stands, since it would only be consistent if `for i in arr[0...]` then 
> traps after `arr.count` just like `for i in arr[0...Int.max]` would do. 
> Otherwise, we really are fudging the semantics.

If we really want to be honest about the information a value produced using 
postfix `…` carries, it is a partial range with only the lower bound specified. 
 This allows us to assign meaning to that partial range using additional 

* When it is possible to increment Bound directly could be interpreted as an 
(near?) infinite sequence that either terminates or traps when it reaches an 
unrepresentable value.
* When Bound is an index and the partial range is used as a subscript argument 
it can be interpreted to mean “to the end of the collection”.

This still leaves us with an out of bounds crash in David’s example that 
iterates over a partial range.  This is an artifact of `Array` using Int as 
it’s `Index` rather than an opaque type that does not allow users to increment 
it directly rather than using a collection.  

Is the problem in David’s example really that different than the ability to 
directly index an array with any `Int` we want?  It’s not the kind of thing 
that developers would do frequently.  The first time they try it they will get 
a crash and will learn not to do it again.

I’m not necessarily arguing one way or the other.  I’m simply pointing out that 
“partial range” is a perfectly reasonable semantics to consider.

> [**] It is not perfectly consistent semantically because, as was discussed in 
> threads about our numeric protocols, our integer types are supposed to model 
> all integers, not just the ones that happen to be representable. Our model is 
> imperfect because not all integers fit into finite memory, but that's a 
> modeling artifact and not intentional semantics. IIUC, it would be otherwise 
> difficult to give a good accounting of, say, the semantics of addition if 
> arithmetic overflow were an intentional part of the semantics and not an 
> artifact.

I haven’t followed all of the details of the numeric protocol discussions.  
With this in mind, I agree with your proposed semantics of trapping after 
`Int.max` as it sounds more consistent with this intent.

> I’m not sure if you read Ben’s post regarding `enumerated` or not, but he 
> gave the example of `zip(0…, sequence)` as a more general replacement for 
> `enumerated`.  IMO, he makes a pretty strong case for this.
>> - Dave Sweeris 
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