I really like the IncompleteRange/RangeExpression idea!

I don’t think that IncompleteRange/RangeExpression should, by themselves, 
conform to Sequence. It seems like necessary information is missing there.  
Instead, there needs to be a conditional conformance to Sequence based on 
another protocol that provides the natural bounds for the Bound type.

For example, what if we have another protocol:

        protocol FiniteComparable : Comparable { //Any finite set which is 
comparable will have a lowest value and a highest value...
                static var lowestValue:Self {get}
                static var highestValue:Self {get}

Something like UInt would have a lowestValue of 0 and highestValue of (UInt.max 
-1).  Then you could conditionally conform a RangeExpression where the Bounds 
are FiniteComparable to Sequence.

Now the behavior is consistent.  In the case of ‘array[0…]’ the array is 
providing the missing upper bound.  In the case of ‘for n in 0…’ the 
conformance to FiniteComparable is providing the bound (and it doesn’t trap, 
because it is enumerating all values IN that type above the lower bound).

        for n in UInt8(0)… {/* Will get called for every possible value of 
UInt8 */}

I agree that trapping when an infinite sequence of integers goes past the max 
value is the only reasonable thing to do in that situation... but since we get 
to define the bounds (and we have defined them in other cases to be the largest 
usable value), why not define them the same way here (i.e. not infinite).  In 
this case, I don’t see the added value in making the sequence infinite instead 
of just bounded by what the type can represent.  The only thing it seems it 
adds is the trapping behavior.  With the natural bound, you can use things like 
filter on partially defined ranges (which would trap if they are defined as 

        let odd:[UInt8] = (0…).filter({$0 & 1 != 0}) //returns an array of all 
the odd UInt8

In cases where the bound type doesn’t conform to FiniteComparable, it could 
still be used as a RangeExpression, but not as a sequence.


> On Feb 2, 2017, at 4:07 AM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Feb 2, 2017, at 3:06 AM, Jaden Geller via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> It's not infinite (else subscript would trap)
> I'm not necessarily a fan of the idea of allowing you to iterate over an 
> `IncompleteRange`, but I have to ask: What do you imagine an infinite 
> sequence of integers would do when it tried to go past the `max` value? As 
> far as I can tell, trapping is the *only* sensible possibility.
> (If you used a `BigInt` type, the sequence could of course then be infinite, 
> or as infinite as memory allows.)
> -- 
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies
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