> On Feb 8, 2017, at 12:00 PM, Jack Newcombe via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I propose the introduction of a nil-rejection operator (represented here as 
> !!) as a complement to the above operators.
> .
> This operator should allow an equivalent behaviour to the forced unwrapping 
> of a variable, but with the provision of an error to throw in place of 
> throwing a fatal error.
> - value !! Error :
>       if value is nil, throw non-fatal error
>       if value is not nil, return value
> Example of how this syntax might work (Where CustomError: Error):
>       let value = try optionalValue !! CustomError.failure

Rather than invent a new operator, I'd prefer to make `throw` an expression 
rather than a statement. Then you could write:

        let value = optionalValue ?? throw CustomError.Failure

One issue here would be figuring out the proper return type for `throw`. 
Although if `Never` were a subtype-of-all-types, that would of course work. :^)

Brent Royal-Gordon

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