I do like approach #2. It would play well with extensions, look very familiar 
to how private works in other main stream languages and it wouldn’t get in the 
way of a possible future refinement of extensions to this model:

a) 1st party extension (extension defined and owned by the type owner): 
extension is defined in the same module as the base type:

- allows access to private type properties and functions even if the base type 
and extension are in different files
- allows the definition of stored properties for value and class types

b) 3rd party extension (extension is defined and owned by the _user_ of a 
type): extension is defined in a parent module and the base type is defined in 
a sub-module:

- forbids access to private properties and functions from the imported type
- forbids the definition of stored properties for value types
- MAY allow the definition of stored properties on class types (haven’t really 
convinced myself that this would be a good idea)

“parent module” would either mean the application that links against a module 
(what is supported today) but also the parent module of a sub-module (potential 
future addition).


Dietmar Planitzer

> On Feb 14, 2017, at 21:31, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Feb 14, 2017, at 3:20 AM, David Hart <da...@hartbit.com> wrote:
>> On 14 Feb 2017, at 09:25, Goffredo Marocchi <pana...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I disagree with that as well as I still think we are damaging the language 
>>> each time we take a known concept (like access levels) and give new 
>>> meanings to the same keywords. I still look baffled at the redefinition of 
>>> do and the addition of repeat for example...
>>> Private, the way it was before, was an admittedly curious take on how most 
>>> languages mean by private and we have jumped through a lot of hoops to 
>>> justify why we did not start with Java/C++/C# like access control and 
>>> augmented it instead of redefining things, omitting others, and then 
>>> constantly pulling the language left and right with not a lot of permanent 
>>> consensus either way as this discussion and others before show.
>> It's a curious take, but it is a curious take is perfectly coherent with 
>> Swift extensions. How else would you access private implementation details 
>> from an extension? But putting it in the same file, instead of having to 
>> resort to an internal access level.
> Right.  Swift is its own language distinct from Java/C++/etc.  While it is 
> intentionally designed to remain familiar (and thus reuses many keywords 
> across the language family), it often does so with slightly different meaning 
> / behavior.  Consider ‘throw’ for example.
> Keeping with the spirit of Swift and staying consistent with its design, I 
> see two plausible meanings for private:
> Private could mean either:
> 1) private to the file (Swift 2 semantics)
> 2) accessible only to the current type/scope and to extensions to that type 
> that are in the current file.
> I don’t think we’ve ever evaluated and debated approach #2 systematically.
> -Chris
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