Here we go again... -1

On Fri, 17 Feb 2017 at 23:52 Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution <> wrote:

> On Feb 17, 2017, at 3:45 PM, Joe Groff via swift-evolution <
>> wrote:
> On Feb 17, 2017, at 11:03 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution <
>> wrote:
> I suggest we need to find a way to shorten the list of the possible error
> types with a the help of typeallias
> extension MyError1: Error { ... }
> extension MyError2: Error { ... }
> extension MyError3: Error { ... }
> typealias MyErrors = MyError1 | MyError2 | MyError3
> func foo() throws(MyErrors) -> MyResult
> func bar<T : Error>(_: () throws(T) -> Void) rethrows(MyErrors, T) -> MyResult
> Do you actually need that? Experience in other languages like Rust and
> Haskell that use Result-based error propagation suggests that a single
> error type is adequate, and beneficial in many ways. If nothing else, you
> could `Either` your way to multiple errors if you really needed to.
> IMO, if we accept a single error type per function, there could be a
> simpler model for this. We could say that the `throws` type is a generic
> parameter of all function types, and it defaults to the uninhabited `Never`
> type for functions that don't throw.
> () -> () == () throws Never -> ()
> () throws -> () == () throws Error -> ()
> In this model, you'd get many benefits:
> - `rethrows` could become first-class, reducing down to just polymorphic
> `throws`:
> func foo(_: () throws -> ()) rethrows // Swift 3
> func foo<T: Error>(_: () throws T -> ()) throws T // Swift X
> func foo<T: Error>(_: () throws T -> ()) throws Either<MyErrors, T>
> - Protocols could abstract over error handling; for instance, we could
> support throwing sequences:
> protocol IteratorProtocol {
>   associatedtype Element
>   associatedtype Error: Swift.Error = Never
>   mutating func next() throws Error -> Element?
> }
> Separate of the type system model, the type *checking* model also deserves
> thorough consideration. Propagating the effects of possibly multiple error
> types propagating within a `do` block is much trickier than doing so as a
> single "throws" or not bit, especially if you want to be able to use type
> context in `catch` patterns or to implicitly propagate a narrower `throws`
> type out of the enclosing function.
> I agree with all of this. The correct way to handle functions that throw
> multiple error types is with a discriminated union (enum) or an
> existential.
> If we make enums easier to work with (see my manifesto on generalized
> enums and value subtyping), we also make it easier to address the use case
> of functions that need to throw several different error types.  That is the
> more general and useful way to address this use case.
> -Joe
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