While I am in favor of this, I do think this should not be a proposal on its 
own, rather it should be folded into a general overhaul of the entire access 
level structure.


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> On 21 Feb 2017, at 07:44, Dimitri Racordon via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here’s a draft proposal following 
> https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20170220/032576.html
> .
> The idea is simplify Swift’s syntax by getting rid of the `open` access 
> modifier.
> A rendered version of the proposal is available here: 
> https://github.com/kyouko-taiga/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/nnnn-remove-open-access-modifier.md
> The raw version follows:
> # Remove open Access Modifier
> * Proposal: [SE-NNNN](nnnn-remove-open-access-modifier.md)
> * Author: [Dimitri Racordon](
> https://github.com/kyouko-taiga
> ), Joanna Carter
> * Status: **Awaiting review**
> * Review manager: TBD
> ## Introduction
> Swift allows classes, methods, properties and subscripts to be marked as 
> `final`, hence disallowing their subclassing/overriding inside **and** 
> outside of their defining module.
> It also features two access levels `open`, which allows an entity to be 
> accessed outside its defining module, and `public`, which gives the same 
> access level the former **and** allows the entity to be subclassed/overridden.
> There's a clear overlap between `open` and `public`, as they essentially 
> represent the same access control within the boundaries of a module, and do 
> not add any benefit from outside them, as `final` is sufficient to prohibit 
> subclassing/overriding.
> Swift-evolution thread: ['Public' class visibility specifiers](
> https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20170220/032576.html
> )
> ## Motivation
> Swift has currently 5 access levels, in the form of:
> * `private`, restricting the use of an entity to its enclosing declaration;
> * `fileprivate`, restricting the use of an entity to its defining source file:
> * `internal`, restricting the use of an entity to its defining module;
> * `public`, allowing the entity to be accessed anywhere;
> * `open`, allowing the entity to be accessed anywhere **and** allowing the 
> entity to be subclassed/overridden outside of their defining module.
> From inside a module, `open` and `public` represent exactly the same access 
> level (everything is visible **and** can be subclassed/overridden).
> From outside a module, `public` is actually akin to `final`.
> ```swift
> // Module 1
> // ========
> open class OpenClass {}
> public class PublicClass {}
> public final class PublicFinalClass {}
> // The first two classes above have the same access level.
> class derivedFromOpen: OpenClass {}
> class derivedFromPublic: PublicClass {}
> // Module 2
> // ========
> class derivedFromOpenOutside: OpenClass {}
> class derivedFromPublicOutside: PublicClass {}
> // Error: Cannot inherit from non-open class ...
> class derivedFromPublicFinalOutside: PublicFinalClass {}
> // Error: Inheritance from a final class ...
> ```
> Hence, the sole use-case of using both `public` and `final` is for an entity 
> that *inside* its defining module should not be subclassed/overridden.
> ```swift
> // Module 1
> // ========
> class derivedFromPublicFinal : PublicFinalClass {}
> // Error: Inheritance from a final class ...
> ```
> We believe this use case is rare and not worth the additional complexity of 
> having an `open` access level in the language.
> Besides, `open` is only applicable on classes and class members while the 
> others can be used on other entities (protocols, structures, ...).
> This asymmetry adds to the complexity of an `open` access level.
> In order to simplify the syntax of Swift, we propose to **remove the `open` 
> access modifier**.
> ## Proposal
> Remove the `open` access modifier from Swift.
> ## Source compatibility
> This is a breaking change, as the `open` keyword would disappear from the 
> language.
> However, a fixit would be quite easy to put in place, simply replacing `open` 
> with `public`.
> ## Alternative considered
> Not removing the `open` access modifier from the language and keep the status 
> quo.
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