> On Mar 21, 2017, at 15:26, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> The kicker is, _it also doesn't work_. Try, for instance:
> ```
> struct Foo {
>   private var bar: Int { return 42 }
> }
> extension Foo {
>   private var bar: Int { return 43 }
> }
> ```
> The code above should compile and does not. If I understood correctly the 
> explanation from a core team member on this list, it's unclear if it can be 
> made to work without changing how mangling works, which I believe impacts ABI 
> and is not trivial at all. Thus, (a) even proponents of new `private` 
> disagree on one of two key goals stated for new `private`; (b) that goal was 
> never accomplished, and making it work is not trivial; (c) no one even 
> complained about it, suggesting that it was a low-yield goal in the first 
> place.

Without commenting on anything else, it is considered a bug that this does not 
work under SE-0025, and it has been complained about 
<https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-2634> (though not vigorously, since the 
workaround is trivial), and fixing it would not be an ABI-breaking change 
(because private functions are not part of a module's ABI).

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