> On 6 Apr 2017, at 22:34, Haravikk via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On 6 Apr 2017, at 20:35, Joe Groff via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>      • What is your evaluation of the proposal?
> I'm a -1 for several reasons, mostly subjective but still. First thing is 
> that I'm generally not comfortable with encouraging the use of multi-line 
> strings at all. These are things that usually should be templated or 
> localised, and personally I don't see what's inconvenient about concatenating 
> on those occasions where you can't (or just don't want to); I'm actually of 
> the opinion that this is the kind of thing that should be awkward and 
> annoying, to encourage developers to think about what they're doing.

IMHO, there are plenty of uses for multi-line strings that are entire valid and 
acceptable. SQL queries is the example I encounter the most in my day-to-day 
work. And concatenating makes working with them very cumbersome.

> My second issue really is that, if the aim is simply to indent your 
> multi-line string more nicely, then is this actually something that the 
> language has to solve? I know we don't like to consider proposals purely from 
> the perspective of what an IDE may, or may not, do, but this seems like a 
> case where a good IDE could take:
> let foo = "This is my
> multi-line
> text"
> And display it visually to look like:
> let foo = "This is my
>       multi-line
>       text"
> This is basically what Xcode does for line-wrapped text right now. While it 
> would mean people using more basic editors would still see the original, it's 
> not really like that's a major problem.
> Another alternative might be a compiler directive that is more explicit about 
> what you want to do, for example:
> let foo = #trimleft("
>       This is my
>               multi-line
>       text
> ")
> Here the directive would look at the text as a whole and see that all lines 
> are indented by at least one tab, and so strip one tab from each line. 
> There's probably a better name for the directive, but hopefully you hopefully 
> get the idea, as this is much more explicit about what you want to do.
> Also, one thing that really stands out with the proposal is how unwise the 
> example is; the fact that the assertion relies on leading whitespace being 
> stripped from the multi-line HTML makes it clear why things like this may not 
> be a good idea, as if the code is edited to produce indented HTML then the 
> assertion will fail, even if the HTML is still correct. The continuation 
> quotes example makes this more obvious as it actually include some of the 
> whitespace, so which is correct?
> I don't want to seem too negative, I just think that whitespace stripping 
> multi-line strings are a weird thing to want in a language. If an easier 
> multi-line syntax has to be added then my preference would be for the 
> alternative continuation quotes personally, as it's more explicit about what 
> is included, though I still say there's nothing wrong with just doing the 
> concatenation and newline characters IMO, as it's fully supported today and 
> not really that much more burdensome to do (and it being a bit more difficult 
> may be a good thing, as I say).
>>      • Is the problem being addressed significant enough to warrant a change 
>> to Swift?
> Not really. We can already do multi-line by either putting newlines inside 
> quotes and leaving out indentation, or by concatenating lines terminated with 
> the new-line character. IMO these two existing options are enough as it is.
>>      • Does this proposal fit well with the feel and direction of Swift?
> I'm not sure; in terms of simplicity I think that adding new syntax for 
> multi-line strings is an unnecessary added complexity and something else to 
> learn, and doesn't enable anything we can't already do fairly easily.
>>      • If you have used other languages or libraries with a similar feature, 
>> how do you feel that this proposal compares to those?
> All of the proposed syntaxes are present in various languages, I've used many 
> of them, and I know from my own bad habits that 99% of the time I shouldn't 
> have 😏
>>      • How much effort did you put into your review? A glance, a quick 
>> reading, or an in-depth study?
> Followed the discussion and re-read the proposal.
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