> On Apr 22, 2017, at 6:55 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes. Specifically, in floating point code. I guess that's the part about 
> shaping the rug not to cover the bump. IEEE does not require `==` to be the 
> spelling of the quiet equality comparison operator, and it does specifically 
> describe a comparison operator that behaves identically to what I propose as 
> the trapping `==` (which, I believe, is actually spelled in the IEEE standard 
> as `==`).

754 does require a `==` that “raises exceptions", but “raise exception” has a 
very specific meaning in the 754 standard that does not align up with the Swift 
notion of “trap". In particular, “default exception handling” under 754 is to 
set a sticky flag that may be queried later, not to halt execution. This is 
exactly what the current Swift `==` operator does at the hardware level on 
arm64 and x86, though the flags are not accurately modeled by LLVM and there 
are no Swift bindings for manipulating the floating-point environment [yet] 
either, so the hardware flag is not especially useful.

I’m just catching up with this discussion because my daughter was born a couple 
days ago, but my quick reaction to `&==` is that it would make me quite nervous 
to have `==` not bound to 754-equals as it is in essentially every other 
language. In particular, I worry about the risk of people porting numerical 
code that depends on isnan(x) <—> !(x < y) in non-obvious ways that they are 
unlikely to test. I’ll try to follow up with more detailed thoughts tomorrow.

– Steve
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