Just a small question, named tuples => Dictionary? Or how would that resolve?
> On Jun 2, 2017, at 2:20 AM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On May 28, 2017, at 11:37 PM, Daryle Walker via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> Static-Sized Arrays
> My preference would still be to build this from four separate features:
> 1. Magic tuple conformances: We already want to be able to automatically 
> conform tuples to protocols like Equatable, Hashable, and Comparable. These 
> can all be compiler magic; they don't have to be definable in userspace.
> 2. Conform tuples to Collection: The Element type should be the most specific 
> common supertype of the tuple's elements. If all the elements are the same 
> type, it would be that type. The Index and IndexDistance types should be Int.
> 3. Conform same-type tuples to MutableCollection: If all elements are the 
> same type, you can also modify the values. (If their types vary in any way, 
> however, it would not be safe to allow mutations, since you could assign the 
> wrong type to an element.)
> 3. Add sugar for a tuple of N identical elements: Probably something like `4 
> * Int`, but opinions can vary.
> This solution avoids adding another structural type to the language or 
> introducing non-type generic parameters. It also addresses other needs: 1 and 
> 2 are desirable features in their own right which address other use cases in 
> addition to this one. And it's nicely incremental, which is always a plus.
> -- 
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies
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