> Vladimir.S via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> 於 2017年6月9日 上午5:05 
> 寫道:
> On 08.06.2017 21:17, Gwendal Roué via swift-evolution wrote:
>>> Le 8 juin 2017 à 19:40, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> a écrit :
>>>> On Jun 7, 2017, at 3:03 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>> Well please no:
> |let fn2: ((Int, Int)) -> Void = { lhs, rhs in }|
>>>> Instead use destructuring sugar pitched by Chris Lattner on the other 
>>>> thread:
>>>> |let fn2: ((Int, Int)) -> Void = { ((lhs, rhs)) in }|
>>> I think this suggestion is better than the status quo. I'm wondering, 
>>> though, if we should just drop the outer set of parentheses entirely, 
>>> unless you're also putting types on the parameters. That is, a closure of 
>>> type `(Int, Int) -> T` can look like this:
>>> { (x: Int, y: Int) in … }
>>> Or it can look like this:
>>> { x, y in … }
>>> But it *cannot* look like this:
>>> { (x, y) in … }
>>> The `(x, y)` form can instead be a closure of a type like `((Int, Int)) -> 
>>> T`, which immediately destructures the tuple parameter into separate 
>>> constants.
>>> -- 
>>> Brent Royal-Gordon
>>> Architechies
>> Hello,
>> There's a difference, in the mind of people here that try to show how bad 
>> were the recent changes, between:
>> 1: closures defined independently
>> 2: closures given as a parameter to a function.
>> I think that we all agree that the type of a closure that is defined 
>> independently should be well defined:
>> // Choose between (Int, Int) -> () or ((x: Int, y: Int)) -> ()
>> leta = { (x: Int, y: Int) -> Intin... }
>> letb = { ((x: Int, y: Int)) -> Intin... }
>> However, when a closure is given as an argument of a function that expects a 
>> closure, we ask for the maximum possible flexibility, as Swift 3 did:
>> funcwantsTwoArguments(_closure: (Int, Int) -> Int) { closure(1, 2) }
>> wantsTwoArguments{ a, b ina + b }
>> wantsTwoArguments{ (a, b) ina + b }
>> wantsTwoArguments{ t int.0+ t.1} // OK, maybe not
>> funcwantsATupleArgument(_closure: ((Int, Int)) -> Int) { closure((1, 2)) }
>> wantsATupleArgument{ a, b ina + b }
>> wantsATupleArgument{ (a, b) ina + b }
>> wantsATupleArgument{ t int.0+ t.1}
>> funcwantsANamedTupleArgument(_closure: ((lhs: Int, rhs: Int)) -> Int) { 
>> closure((lhs: 1, rhs: 2)) }
>> wantsANamedTupleArgument{ a, b ina + b }
>> wantsANamedTupleArgument{ (a, b) ina + b }
>> wantsANamedTupleArgument{ t int.lhs + t.rhs }
> It's nice to see that we are agreed that func/closures declared separately 
> should have clearly defined type and (at least for now) can't be 
> interchangeable.
> And personally I agree that this could be a solution to migration problem, 
> compiler can generate closure of correct(requested) type if such closure:
> 1. declared inplace of func call as parameter of that func
> 2. has no type annotations for its arguments
> 3. (probably, can discuss) has no parenthesis for its arguments, because one 
> pair of parenthesis in argument list declares closure of type (list of 
> arguments)->T in other situations.
> So, we can have
> wantsTwoArguments{ a, b in a + b } // (Int,Int)->() will be generated
> wantsTwoArguments{ (a, b) in a + b } // syntax of (Int,Int)->() closure
> wantsATupleArgument{ a, b in a + b } // ((Int,Int))->() will be generated
> wantsATupleArgument{ t in t.0+ t.1 } // syntax of ((Int,Int))->() closure
> wantsANamedTupleArgument{ a, b in a + b } // ((Int,Int))->() will be generated
> wantsANamedTupleArgument{ t in t.lhs + t.rhs } // syntax of ((Int,Int))->() 
> closure

That's what Swift 3 has done now, but forbidden by Swift 4. Isn't it?

> So, { a,b in ...} will be a special syntax for closure which type will be 
> defined by compiler by type of func's parameter.
> The question is if community and core team will support this idea, if that 
> idea is better than other ideas like {((a,b)) in ..} for tuple 
> deconstruction, and if this could be implemented before Swift 4 release.
>> *This gives us the ability to deal with unfitted function signatures.* For 
>> example, most Dictionary methods. Yes, they are usually unfitted:
>> extensionDictionary{
>> funcforEach(_body: ((key: Key, value: Value)) throws-> Void) rethrows
>>     }
>> Who cares about this named (key:value:) tuple? Absolutely nobody, as 
>> exemplified by this remarquable Swift 3 snippet below, where no tuple, no 
>> `key`, and no `value` is in sight:
>> letscores: [String: Int] = ... // [playerName: score]
>>     scores.forEach { name, score in
>> print("\(name): \(score)")
>>     }
>> Do you see?
>    let scores: [String: Int] = ["a":1, "b":2]
>    scores.forEach { (score: (name:String, value:Int)) in
>        print("\(score.name): \(score.value)")
>    }
> I'm not saying that this syntax as good as in your example, but it is not as 
> bad/ugly as you say.
>> Gwendal
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