
There are also some commented-out requirements, which were accepted for SE-0067.

(One requirement is obsoleted by the Numeric protocol).

Can these be implemented yet, based on your experience?



>   /*  TODO: Implement the following APIs once a revised integer protocol is
>       introduced that allows for them to be implemented. In particular, we
>       need to have an "index of most significant bit" operation and "get
>       absolute value as unsigned type" operation on the Integer protocol.
>   /// Creates the closest representable value to the given integer.
>   ///
>   /// - Parameter value: The integer to represent as a floating-point value.
>   init<Source: Integer>(_ value: Source)
>   /// Creates a value that exactly represents the given integer.
>   ///
>   /// If the given integer is outside the representable range of the type, the
>   /// result is `nil`.
>   ///
>   /// - Parameter value: The integer to represent as a floating-point value.
>   init?<Source: Integer>(exactly value: Source)
>   */



>   /*  TODO: Implement these once it becomes possible to do so (requires 
> revised
>       Integer protocol).
>   /// Creates a new instance from the given value, rounded to the closest
>   /// possible representation.
>   ///
>   /// - Parameter value: A floating-point value.
>   init<Source: BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ value: Source)
>   /// Creates a new instance equivalent to the exact given value.
>   ///
>   /// If the value you pass as `value` can't be represented exactly, the 
> result
>   /// of this initializer is `nil`.
>   ///
>   /// - Parameter value: A floating-point value to represent.
>   init?<Source: BinaryFloatingPoint>(exactly value: Source)
>   */

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